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  • Despair?!

    This is the plot we've just been given at our local site, having been on the waiting list for over a year. Apparently it's had nothing done to it for over 2 years (why didn't we get it last year then? who knows.....), and it's full of dock and bindweed, not to mention glass, rubble,half buried plastic...
    There's a large rectangle been dug out, presumably for a greenhouse, which is covered in broken glass and grown over with weeds, and has very little topsoil...
    I've measured it, and planned where my shed will go, drawn up a plan of where the beds will go, but i just don't know where to start...
    My OH's enthusiasm waned after the 1st hour of trying to level the site of my shed, and i can't even lift the bags of hardcore out of my boot to finish it myself..
    My seed potatoes arrived this morning, it was a real effort of will power not to just throw em all in the bin.
    I really, truly feel like giving up right now.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hello Sarzwix,
    I think you have a plot there with great potential!!
    Looks like you have a good bit of fencing- (that's one big job less to have to do!!)

    I understand how you must feel, but you'll probably find that once you start turning over the soil that it'll be in a better state than you expect!
    I suggest if you have lost enthusiasm for the shed, then leave it for now!
    It's meant to be a hobby, and you are in control of what you fancy doing!!!
    Why not clear a bit of soil so you can see what it's all about!
    Consider the shed as a luxury (many plots don't have them!) and carry the tools in the boot of the car for now.
    Maybe you could prepare the fruit areas and get them planted?? Once you see them in bud you'll get all excited!
    How about inviting some friends over (when it stops raining ) to the lottie for a couple of hrs work with the reward of a nice nosh up with drinks afterwards?
    It may feel a bit daunting to start with, but you've had a long wait to get it...and it's finally yours now!
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • #3
      Thanks for the encouragement Nicos. I expect I'll get my head round it in the end - i usually do when i want something bad enough!
      Want to get the shed sorted out so that my 3 kids (12, 10 & 6) can get locked in there when they start whingeing about being cold & wanting to go home.... There's also the problem, being a lady, of where to wee?! At the moment i have to drive home cross-legged - the only bush nearby is overlooked by an old people's complex... Don't want to be responsible for any heart attacks!
      D'you think it would be ok to just sit the shed on breeze blocks, with a very thin layer of hardcore under them? We are on very sticky clay, am bit worried about it all sinking



      • #4
        Hi Sarzwix! Congrats on the plot, and commiserations at the workload you face, it would be enough to get anyone down, but dont despair, dont give up hope and tackle it bit by bit!

        Dont rush to try and get it all done now, nor even in your first season, but instead concentrate on doing a bit when you can, 'little and often'! The areas that you cant get to yet cover over, either with black plastic, cardboard, weed control fabric or even old carpets, and let the lack of light help to kill off some of the weeds before you tackle them.

        Lots of us started out with plots every bit as bad as the one that you are finding a bit of an overfacement at the moment, but it truly is amazing what can be done over time! Take a look at the thread about our plot to see what it was like when we took over, and then look at some of the later piccies and you'll get some idea of what you can and will do yourself, and the sense of acchievement is fab!

        As for weeing, if you havent any site facilities, then a bucket will do at a pinch, tho you could always get one of them camping loos and a toilet tent, perhaps someone may be freecycling one near to you?

        Anyhows, just wanted to say, dont despair, keep at it, come on here and rant about it if you like, there's always a friendly ear to listen and lots of folks who'll offer you advice when they can!
        Last edited by Mrs Dobby; 26-02-2007, 05:00 PM.
        Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

        'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

        The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
        Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
        Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
        On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


        • #5
          Bucket in the shed.....(when it's there's an incentive!!! )....tupperware/blanket/back seat of car.....

          No idea about building the shed though- sounds a reasonable idea....(might be worth asking what other people on the site have done, and if they would have done it differently. I had a garage built on orange clay and it was solid.)

          As for kids..yes it is a bit cold at the moment for them, maybe one of you could go down on your own and do a bit, then the OH bring the kids for a while longer and a hot chocolate and biscuit...and then the other person takes them home when they get cold whilst the other OH stays on a bit longer?
          That way you won't be fighting over the shower/bath at the same time!!
          Just an idea...
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #6
            Originally posted by Nicos View Post
            ....tupperware/blanket/back seat of car.....
            Hahahahahahahahahaha, now that's picked me chin up, hahahahahahaha, haven't done that since i was about 5, in the back of me Dad's Mark One Cortina....



            • #7
              Dont give it will come together . If you have poor topsoil i might be worth
              going for raised beds , Little and often for the digging if you take that root.

              Good luck.
              The force is strong in this one!


              • #8
                Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
                Hahahahahahahahahaha, now that's picked me chin up, hahahahahahaha, haven't done that since i was about 5, in the back of me Dad's Mark One Cortina....

                My dad had a white Mini Minor. Learnt to hold it in the end.
                Blogging at.....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by seasprout View Post
                  My dad had a white Mini Minor. Learnt to hold it in the end.
                  I won't tell you what I learnt to hold in the back of my Mk1 Lotus Cortina

                  Don't give in. The thing to do is little & often. If every time you go down you only dig 1 row, thats 1 less to dig and in a few weeks you'll have a big chunk done.

                  Cover it in black plaggy & it'll stop things getting worse then you can work on a small area at a time. Go to your local � shop & get some tubs & plant them with some bedding plants & use these to anchor the plastic down - Functional & decorative ....... Just like me
                  Never be afraid to try something new.
                  Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                  A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                  • #10
                    I have the glass problem as well...however be glad that you have a flat site! My garden is up and down with various lumps on concrete in the way...oh and a pond

                    I think our plan now is to clear and make the patio so we can move all the pots off the lawn...and whilst the men are doing that I'm going to carry on weeding the area which'll be used for the raised beds for the children.

                    One problem is that when you look at it as a whole it all seems very scary but when you do it bit by bit it's not too bad...I think!

                    Trying to tame the mad thing called a garden and getting there I think!

                    My Garden Mayhem...inspirational blog for me I hope! - updated 16/04/09


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
                      This is the plot we've just been given at our local site, having been on the waiting list for over a year. Apparently it's had nothing done to it for over 2 years (why didn't we get it last year then? who knows.....), and it's full of dock and bindweed, not to mention glass, rubble,half buried plastic...
                      There's a large rectangle been dug out, presumably for a greenhouse, which is covered in broken glass and grown over with weeds, and has very little topsoil...
                      I've measured it, and planned where my shed will go, drawn up a plan of where the beds will go, but i just don't know where to start...
                      My OH's enthusiasm waned after the 1st hour of trying to level the site of my shed, and i can't even lift the bags of hardcore out of my boot to finish it myself..
                      My seed potatoes arrived this morning, it was a real effort of will power not to just throw em all in the bin.
                      I really, truly feel like giving up right now.
                      Hi Sarzwix, and welcome to the vine!

                      Looking at your plot I think I would plum for spraying with glyphosate which is a non residual herbicide.
                      Even farmers who want to set up an organic farm will often resort to Glyphosate the first year.
                      We are coming up to a time when the grass and weeds will be coming into full growth which is an ideal time to treat the land. You may be able to get the local council to spray it for you.
                      What you do after raking the dead weeds up is up to you but a good covering of manure to act as a mulch would be beneficial!
                      Let natures gardeners the worms do the work for you!
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • #12
                        Tentative plan (when i manage to pull my head outta my ass...!), is to mark out where the raised beds are going to be, then cover all but one with black plastic/weed control fabric, and clear them one at a time. Then anything that grows back after the plastic is taken away will be blasted with glysophate! I've already drawn the plan (properly to scale and everything!), but getting help with heavy stuff (base for shed) is proving very difficult.... I just want me shed up....!
                        Perhaps I need to resort to bribery with my OH...?!

                        Thanks for encouragement/advice everyone



                        • #13
                          Another option is to Mow the grass where the paths will be then it will look as though soething is happening.

                          I Agree with Snadger, Blast with Roundup then cover less to deal with then.

                          Also If you get some seed tatties and set them some where to Chit you could plant these out under black plastic & when the shoots start to push up, carefully cut a cros to let them through then when you harvest them you'll dig it over - a bit more done with minimal effort & it will work even betterif you can cover the ground with cardboard first then a good layer of rotted muck & plant your spuds in this. Weeds die off cos of no light, cardboard & muck break down, worms incorparate it into the soil for you - Winner!!
                          Never be afraid to try something new.
                          Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                          A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                          • #14
                            I think it's the bigness that's so daunting at the beginning, you know?!
                            my tape measure isn't even big enough to do half the width of the plot! I'm sure I'll get me head round it, and be posting progress pics soon. Like I said, just seeing some brown today....!

                            Snadger, your little "Location" bit made me chuckle - I was born and mostly raised in Sunderland (Seaburn, a rare 'nice bit'). Your plot must be one of the nicer bits, hey?


                            • #15
                              Nil desperandum, Sarswix.

                              As they all say little and often does it. I have 2.500 sq metres of field, grass docks, brambles, nettles and anything else you like to name, also clay and flint. It's taken 4 years but it is now all under control and I have a GARDEN and LOTTIE. Just be patient and you will get there

                              Beat of luck
                              Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


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