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GYO Needs Your Help - Fast Track to Getting Your Lottie


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  • GYO Needs Your Help - Fast Track to Getting Your Lottie

    Hi everyone

    GYO would like to know if anyone has any tips on how 'beat the waiting list' to get an allotment?

    They're also on the lookout for a couple of Grapes to tell them their stories of how they did this and they may make it into the magazine

    If anyone has any tips, please post them in here, and anyone interested in potentially having their story published, please post your interest in here too. GYO can then contact you from this thread (please don't post you're contact details on here though)


    "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter

  • #2
    Hi Shortie!

    Would love to help, as we got our plot 2 days after first deciding we wanted one, but as it was just before allotments and GYOing took off and became sooo popular and trendy, then I'm not sure we count!

    Basically, we looked up details of where they were on the net, emailed the council liason, then went to the plot twice in 2 days on a weekend, hoping to catch someone that could tell us if there were any free, and which ones they were. The second trip we hit the jackpot, met the council liason and took the plot we were offered immediately, literally starting to clear it within 20 mins of getting the plot! After 3 months of double digging over the winter we were offered a 2nd half plot, which we took, and at the end of last year we approached the council liason and asked to go onto the waiting list for a second full plot adjacent to our first full plot, (with the understanding we would give up our half plot if we got a second full plot), fortunately, the plot we wanted came vacant 8 weeks ago, and we've now completely cleared and planted it up!

    Hope thats of some help!
    Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

    'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

    The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
    Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
    Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
    On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


    • #3
      When I first decided to go for it and try and get a lottie, I toured all our local sites. There was one site in particular that, to me, seemed streets ahead of the rest in terms of being open, friendly and well tended. Of course it was full and had a waiting list! I put my name down anyway and went back for another look. By chance, I got chatting with an existing plot holder and was explaining to him how much I liked the site but how long the waiting list was, when he asked me if I'd looked at plot [x]. Well, I had but I hadn't really realised it was actually a plot! It was the very end plot on a site of almost 100 and was well on it's way back to nature. Covered in brambles, bindweed and couch grass, most of it taller than me. On closer inspection though, there was shed, a derelict greenhouse (of sorts!) and several plum trees!

      I rang the council the next day to enquire about it and was told the plot was unavailable, as there weren't the resources to clear it. I asked 'what if I did it myself?' and after a small silence (probably covering the mouthpiece to laugh! ) the lady came back with 'would a year's rent free period be acceptable?' I snapped it up and have been hard at work ever since, without a moment of regret!

      I'd be thrilled to be in print and have before, progress and after pics (not that I'm done yet!).
      I was feeling part of the scenery
      I walked right out of the machinery
      My heart going boom boom boom
      "Hey" he said "Grab your things
      I've come to take you home."


      • #4
        Nothing is better than a bit of pester power, visit the local site, find out who is the head honcho and make yourself known, show your willing and keep on visiting on the 'off chance' asking questions. In short make friends with the people that matter. This obviously works better on private sites rather than the faceless council worker who probably doesn't even know where the site is!
        Kernow rag nevra

        Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.
        Bob Dylan


        • #5
          Definitely visit your local sites, check them out as regards plots that look neglected. Try to pick a time when there are people about (weekends are good) and get chatting. Explain that you really want an allotment. If there are neglected plots you may be able to take one of them over as Seahorse did cos the managers won't advertise it unless it's clear. You may also find that someone has taken on a plot and can't really manage all of it and would be willing to share. Personal contact is definitely the way to go, rather than council waiting lists. Works even better if you have a good site representative.


          • #6
            My top tip would be to make friends with the allotment officer!! I'd had my name on the list for a while when my father in law got a letter offering him a lottie. When he met up with the lottie lady I went with him & enthused about all things lottie and said I'd accept any plot she could offer. I emailed her on almost a daily basis, pointing out plots I'd seen on sites that looked like they hadn't been worked, and every time she emailed me back saying that when I reached the top of the list, she'd be in touch. I rang and left messages on her answerphone, again pointing out neglected plots. I emailed her asking if she knew of anyone that was maybe struggling to work their plots, offering to help with digging, weeding etc. In short, I made a nuisance of myself but I did eventually (well all in all it took me 5 weeks of pestering) get an email offering me a totally overgrown plot that I think she thought I'd turn down, but I jumped at it. I've got 125sq meters which will cost me �19 a year (paid in arrears) but as it was so overgrown, I got the first year free, so my first rent will be due in March 2010. Result!!!!


            • #7
              Make a personal contact - go in person to the council offices, arrange to meet the site rep and be positive and friendly. Show commitment but be sensible when talking about your plans to convert a plot from an overgrown and neglected 'jungle' to a productive growing area.


              • #8
                If there are huge waiting lists its worthlooking out for a bit of unused land and asking the council about it, our allotment is on a small unused patch of land between housing estates.
                Yo an' Bob
                Walk lightly on the earth
                take only what you need
                give all you can
                and your produce will be bountifull


                • #9
                  My tip would be to consider allotments that are not necessarily close to home - think about close to work as well!

                  My one hour lunchbreaks used to be spent at my desk working, as there was little else to do locally. I had bought a copy of the '30 minute allotment' and thought it would be a good way to spend my lunchtime. So I got onto the councils website and checked out where the allotments were, and was pleased to find one quite close to work. A couple of phone calls, followed by a couple of visits and I was offered the pick of about 9 vacant allotments. I ended up taking on a half plot and have managed to get there for my 30 minutes on most days.
                  If anyone has any tips, please post them in here, and anyone interested in potentially having their story published, please post your interest in here too. GYO can then contact you from this thread (please don't post you're contact details on here though)
                  I dont mind having the tip published, if its of interest!
                  ....never buy a dwarf with learning difficulties - it's not big and its not clever!


                  • #10
                    In my experience, you absolutely have to show your face. People just ignore letters, phone calls and emails.
                    Turn up to the site ~ there's usually somebody there on a Saturday before lunch ~ and get chatting. Find out which ones are empty, meet the Rep, get your name down.
                    It may not be right, but Reps will give a plot to someone they like, who seems keen, rather than someone "on the waiting list" that they don't know from Adam.

                    (I am thinking of giving up half of my lotty ~ and I want it to go to somebody who will turn up & keep the weeds down, be chatty but not a pest, and who won't use sprays. If I don't get someone like that, then I won't give up my plot at all.)
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #11
                      I am surprised that you want to publish an article on how to cheat.

                      Why not do some genuine journalistic investigation instead to reveal the flaws and help the system improve for everyone.

                      If I was on a waiting list I would be fuming.


                      • #12
                        see my thread 'chasing a new allotment' in this forum


                        • #13
                          Can I just put a word in for the person who dishes out the plots in my case I have no free allotments on the site I deal with, a few on warnings, but if someone asks me about a allotment I appologise then explain it will be about 3 years before they get a plot I ask them to contact me once a year to show that they are still interested and invite them to have a chat to me on the site. If the allotments are run correctly there is no way to cheat the list its got to be done fairly. The only piece of hope to people on long lists I can give is were on a peak Jamies collecting produce from his plot and cooking it in his garden, Joes bit has been cleared and is looking great , and GMTV is telling us how great it is but its never wet and cold on their plots they never show them trying to force frozen sprouts of the stems. So if your serious and not influenced by the telly it will soon be another trough and the lists will be shorter


                          • #14
                            I got my plot without waiting, but not by moving up the waiting list.

                            I enquired about the allotments. There are 3 sites around our village and the council lady assumed I had wanted one from the most popular site, telling me there were at least 3-5 others ahead of me on the waiting list and she didn't know when one plot would become free. Actually, I wanted a plot from the site closest to me. When I explained I wanted one of those, she exclaimed, "Oh, well there's lots of those available, you can have one of them straight away!"

                            My suggestion would be to make sure you know about all the possible allotment sites around you, as it's possible some might have a waiting list, but others not.


                            • #15
                              Yes, Growem, I agree with what you have said

                              I have been reading the various posts on getting an allotment plot, and a couple of things seem to crop up quite often

                              1 Get out and visit your local areas and allotments as you can sometimes find a neglected plot, if you're willing to take it on

                              2 Try to have a sensible, face to face conversation with the Allotment Officer


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