If you have a wormery or wormeries I think it's as well, as the Autumn frosts start up (likely tonight for example), to check on their well-being and level of exposure. They don't seem to mind it chilly (but their work rate slows down to almost nothing) but they obviously cannot tolerate hard frozen conditions once real Winter sets in so a sheltered or protected spot makes good sense. I put mine in the garage (not sure what the car thinks about that but it wouldn't get in anyway for other essential junk....).
I put a similar note up last year and note that was on the 6th October so we seem to have had an extra fortnight of gentler temperatures this year...
People ask me why I bother with a wormery, it's a fair enough question I ask myself sometimes.... I have two, the Can o' Worms and the Worm Cafe - both work pretty well. They do produce very rich compost but it takes ages (like months if not years...) and checking/sorting etc is yet another (fairly messy) garden job. Probably the so-called "worm wee" which collects in the sump and is a rich plant food is the best reason, I dilute and use that as a general fertiliser. I guess they've become pets really -
- sad! - but as there's several thousand of them I don't give them all individual names
. Interested to hear why others bother to keep them and whether you give them extra protection.
I put a similar note up last year and note that was on the 6th October so we seem to have had an extra fortnight of gentler temperatures this year...
People ask me why I bother with a wormery, it's a fair enough question I ask myself sometimes.... I have two, the Can o' Worms and the Worm Cafe - both work pretty well. They do produce very rich compost but it takes ages (like months if not years...) and checking/sorting etc is yet another (fairly messy) garden job. Probably the so-called "worm wee" which collects in the sump and is a rich plant food is the best reason, I dilute and use that as a general fertiliser. I guess they've become pets really -
