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Blueberry Feeding?


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  • Blueberry Feeding?

    I have a newly container planted young Blueberry. I am a little confused as to feeding. I have read conflicting advice online and now I am not sure how to proceed. One article I read says to feed the plant twice a year. Another said once a month and the Ericaceous liquid feed I have says every two weeks. As I don�t want to kill the plant with kindness please could a grower out there advise me on what is best?

    Thank you.

    Best regards,


  • #2
    Probably depends on the size of the container that it is in.

    I have a blueberry in a square "container" I constructed for it and I feed mine about every month, but nothing specific. However the "container" is close to 100 litre capacity, 30x40x75cms, so will maintain a fair degree of nutrients for the blueberry.

    Mine gets rain water when it seems to be getting dry and I add a feed I would say about every month. Will say that the feed is more a case of whenever I bump into the ericacous feed and also I am hoping that the feed helps to maintain the general acidity of the soil/compost it is in.

    Likely there is no "rule" especially with a blueberry as they are happy being wet all the time. When mine was in a pot, big, I tended to have few or no drainage holes, so added feed did not get washed out of the container.

    Still suspect a light feed once a month is likely to do no harm, if whatever you add is not washed out as we tend to have plants in pots with good drainage and so end up watering them more.


    • #3
      Kirk. Thank you for the information. Very helpful.

      Best regards,



      • #4
        Oh! and Artisan! Mulch with "Bark Chipping's" if grown in a pot, It up's the acidity a little!
        "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


        • #5
          Great! Thanks for the information. I'll get some bark chippings.

          Best regards,



          • #6
            Originally posted by Artisan View Post
            and the Ericaceous liquid feed I have says every two weeks.
            Well the people who make the Ericaceous liquid feed would say that wouldn't they

            The above advice sounds about right to me.

            What varieties are you growing I have 'Sunshine Blue' which looks like it will have loads of fruit.

            I also have one 'Pink Lemonade' a new so called pink berry but there are hardly any berries on it, as mentioned on the triploid apple thread, these 'new' varieties are often dodgy. After being conned 20 years ago I'm amazed I got caught out again with 'Pink Lemonade'


            • #7
              Mine variety is Bluecrop. It has been in the container now for five weeks and is growing well.

              Best regards,



              • #8
                Perhaps think about getting a companion (different variety) for it? It is widely stated that cross pollinating makes them more fruitful.


                • #9
                  Well I suppose it would stop it from getting Lonely!

                  Best regards,



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