I've got a border running down the side of my allotment which is quite big, it runs the entier length and is about 80cm wide...
I was hoping to section it off into 3 sections, one for and edible border with edible flowers, mini corn, beetroot, lettuce etc
another section for different herbs
and another section to keep for cut flowers....
...problem is I know absolutely nothing about what are the best types to go for!! I'd like some that will look after themselves while I tend to my veg, which look lovely and that we will be able to have lots of gorgeous cut flowers from
Also any info on types that will come back year after year would be nice... are tulips worth while planting?
Thank you
(sorry, I know pretty much nothing on the subject! Can you tell

I've got a border running down the side of my allotment which is quite big, it runs the entier length and is about 80cm wide...
I was hoping to section it off into 3 sections, one for and edible border with edible flowers, mini corn, beetroot, lettuce etc
another section for different herbs
and another section to keep for cut flowers....
...problem is I know absolutely nothing about what are the best types to go for!! I'd like some that will look after themselves while I tend to my veg, which look lovely and that we will be able to have lots of gorgeous cut flowers from

Also any info on types that will come back year after year would be nice... are tulips worth while planting?
Thank you
