Hi. My friend sent me two small. standard roses as a gift via NEXT. They were in appalling condition, I suspect not acclimatised first and I almost lost them within a week. Next we're very helpful and replaced them on the understanding I'd email what was I assume the supplier, with photos. Which I did. Though the supplier has not come back to me with at all. I've still got the originals but they are very poor.
We duly potted up ( spending a fortune on pots and rose compost) the two new ones.
I left them in a very sheltered spot last night as strong winds were forecast but on looking at them this morning the entire top has fallen off one of them. I'm not sure if its fallen off from the graft but its a complete break from the stem top.
Has any ros� grower some advice? I've emailed the supplier. Is this a common occurrence with standards? My friend paid �55 plus p&p so I'm really annoyed about it.
Will it throw out shoots from the existing stem if left alone? Please can anyone help
In anticipation!!
We duly potted up ( spending a fortune on pots and rose compost) the two new ones.
I left them in a very sheltered spot last night as strong winds were forecast but on looking at them this morning the entire top has fallen off one of them. I'm not sure if its fallen off from the graft but its a complete break from the stem top.
Has any ros� grower some advice? I've emailed the supplier. Is this a common occurrence with standards? My friend paid �55 plus p&p so I'm really annoyed about it.
Will it throw out shoots from the existing stem if left alone? Please can anyone help
In anticipation!!