Thanks to everyone who took part!
And everyone who voted!
Thanks to everyone who took part!
And everyone who voted!
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Most impressive pumpkin
1st - skeggijon
Joint 2nd -Norfolkgrey , Martin H
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Best container
1st - NatalieCooke
Joint 2nd -Jay22 , craftymarie
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Best chillis/peppers
1st - Philthy
2nd -WillilamD
3rd - Norfolkgrey
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Best Funny Fruit or Veg
1st -Norfolkgrey
2nd -veggiechicken
Joint 3rd -Jungle Jane , Potstubsdustbins
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Best chili pepper - single variety
1st - sparrow100
2nd -skeggijon
3rd-Lumpy, chilli_grower , Lisasbolt
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Three beans same variety
1st -sparrow100
2nd-Dorothy rouse
3rd Nellie-m
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Longest bean
1st - dammad49
2nd -lottie dolly
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Pair of root veg
1st - WilliamD
2nd- Norfolkgrey
3rd -craftymarie
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Three items of fruit
1st - WilliamD
2nd -veggiechicken
Joint 3rd - nellie-m , Skeggijon
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Plate of ten berries
1st - And E
2nd -Snadger
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Prettiest Rose
1st - Potstubsdustbins
2nd -Philthy
3rd - craftymarie
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Happiest Sunflower
1st - dammad49
2nd -Scarlet
3rd -Tiny Allotment
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Best Dish, Made with Own Produce
1st - PyreneesPlot
Joint 2nd -Small pumpkin, lottie dolly
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Plate of Salad
1st - WilliamD
joint 2nd -Potstubsdustbins, Scarlet
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Plate of Eggs
1st - Norfolkgrey
2nd -lisabolt
3rd- - nellie-m
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Fluffiest Bum [chooks, not human]
1st - veggiechicken
2nd -skeggijon
3rd - Verinda
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Best Failure
1st - PyreneesPlot
2nd -Lisasbolt
Joint 3rd - Penellype, bario1
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Three Tomatoes
1st -Basher
2nd -Potstubsdustbins, Two_Sheds
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Truss of Cherry Tomatoes
1st - Dorothy rouse
2nd -sparrow100
Joint 3rd- - bramble, bario1
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Any Other Item
Joint 1st - Verinda , Lisasbolt
3rd - skeggijon : Melon
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Three Potatoes
1st - Potstubsdustbins
2nd - treepixie
3rd -Norfolkgrey
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Three Bulbs of Garlic
1st - bearded bloke
2nd -Greenleaves
Joint 3rd - Norfolkgrey, WilliamD
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Three Onions/Alliums
1st - ash25
2nd - Potstubsdustbins
3rd -Norfolkgrey
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Three Beetroot
1st -WilliamD
2nd �skeggijon
3rd -Deano's "Diggin It"
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Three Carrots
1st - chilli_grower
2nd -WilliamD
3rd- - skeggijon
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - One Squash
Joint 1st - lottie dolly , Sparrow100, VolesAteMyPeas
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Three Blooms, Any Flower
1st -WilliamD
3rd-Bearded Bloke
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Pair of Courgettes
1st -Dorothy rouse
2nd -Basher
3rd -WilliamD
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Pair of Cucumbers
1st -veggiechicken
2nd -diggerdez
Joint 3rd -Potstubsdustbins, Martin H
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - One Brassica
1st -Two Sheds
Joint 2nd - Bigmallly, Greenleaves
Virtual Show 2015 WINNERS - Best Scarecrow
1st - Lisabolt
2nd -Hazel at the Hill
3rd -Norfolkgrey
Overall results....
We've awarded 3 points for a 1st, 2 points for a 2nd, and 1 point for a 3rd. For joint places,winners will get the same points for that place.
On that basis, overall points of the winners are as follows:
1st place - William D with 21 points
2nd Place- Norfolk Grey with 15 points
3rd place- Potstubsdustbins with 14 points
Many Congratulations to all who took part- and especially the winners
