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52 Week Challenge - week by week through 2013


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  • 52 Week Challenge - week by week through 2013

    General information about the 52 Week Challenge is at Use that thread for discussions
    Use this thread to report what Challenges you have done each week and what you thought of them!! I'll start each week on a Monday
    Challengers :-
    1. Veggie Chicken
    2. Julesapple
    3. MoopMoop
    4. Piggle
    5. Ananke
    6. Hollychap
    7. BigMallly
    8. Alldigging
    9. PyreneesPlot
    10. Nicos
    11. Petal
    12. Sheneval
    13. Bearded Bloke
    14. Hazel at the Hill
    15. Newton
    16. Binley 100
    17. Tripmeup
    18. Jeanied
    19. Feral
    20. MikeyWills
    21. Potstubsdustbins
    22. Bramble
    23. Mothhawk
    24. Bumpybabemagnet
    25. Strawberry delight
    26. Maytreefrannie
    27. Lottie Dolly
    28. redser
    29. Taff
    30. Wizzbang
    Last edited by veggiechicken; 03-03-2013, 11:51 PM. Reason: Adding the Challengers!

  • #2
    Week 1 - 31st December - 6th January

    Over to you, Challengers


    • #3
      Yesterday I toasted the New Year on my allotment with 15 year old Dalwhinnie surrounded by my grandkids.

      As you can see by the angle of the bunnet it had a definite effect
      Attached Files
      Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

      Nutter by Nature


      • #4
        My first challenge just completed. I have had my first ever green smoothie........I am going to have one every night for a month instead of dinner and snacks!

        What to do next week?

        Loving my allotment!


        • #5
          Today I started my MOMship not so much a challenge as a pleasure
          He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

          Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


          • #6
            I was going to try some new appliqu� projects. My appliqu� is freehand, without templates or patterns, so it's a bit like an odd sort of jigsaw puzzle. This is not going to happen this week because a) suppliers sent me the wrong colour fabrics and b) I've spent all day helping the DD pack her stuff.

            My new challenge for this week is to get DD and her BF safely into their new house (keys being collected as I type) This is something completely new! I've only ever packed kids off to school or Uni before.

            I'm going to keep a journal of my challenges - to help keep me up to date, and so I don't repeat myself. So I splashed out in the 99p shop and bought myself a 'one week to a page diary'. I also thought about changing my blog to add my challenges to it.
            Last edited by julesapple; 04-01-2013, 05:21 PM.

            Coffee. Garden. Coffee. Does a good morning need anything else?

            ♥ Nutter in a Million & Royal Nutter by Appointment to HRH VC ♥

            Althoughts - The New Blog (updated with bridges)


            • #7
              My challange is to happen on Sunday night, going out to wrestle with chopsticks........
              sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
              Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
              Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
              KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


              • #8
                Challenge for this week was to teach horse(encourage!) to jump its first fence.challenge jumped fence several times, gleefully!


                • #9
                  How about we log them here....each start a thread like 2013 challenge - Newton. 2013 Challenge - Veggiechicken etc.

                  It would be a good place to log. Easy to find and interesting to see how everyone else is getting on!

                  What do you think?

                  Loving my allotment!


                  • #10
                    Thought that was what we were doing ........
                    Anyway my first challenge is a biggie with lots of stages and the first stage is done but I'm not saying till its completed........
                    so a little challenge for this week instead......I went into wilkos and came out emptyhanded
                    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                    You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                    • #11
                      My challenge - the first (scant) hour on the plot for many months - well worth it! Many more hours needed before the plot looks like it should do but it was a start.
                      So I am going to go for a big challenge for me this year - one hour on the plot and one fixit at home per week. Not quite enough I know, but I am hoping to hire help for the rest! That will mean I earn a bit to help achieve my goals so I think all in all it is a big ambition!
                      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                      • #12
                        Well TG daughter and I took the nag to the showground for our first showjumping competition!

                        Was very scary - the grounds were full of horsetrucks (you know the ones bigger than my house) and those trucks and horses cost more than my house too!

                        But we went, she rode, they conquered. We didn't win anything but it was just being able to do it, in front of 344 other riders! Well, no, it's true not many were looking at the locals and newbies ring, but it feels like it.

                        Next week, or at the latest the week after ...............sell a spotted horse.

                        My blog:

                        Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                        One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                        Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


                        • #13
                          I (almost) always cook curry on a Thursday and amongst other dishes mostly dictated by what is growing we (almost) always have my version of naan bread and dal made from a mix of red lentils and urad dal.

                          Yesterday instead I did Goan bread (Poee) from Madhur Jaffrey's Flavours of India. Nice, but not really very challenging except that it uses equal proportions of water and flour so was as sticky as a sticky thing

                          Also made a different dal, using toordall unoily (split pigeon peas?) which resulted in a richer flavoured dal which I liked better than the usual one and Mr PP didn't. Shame

                          Next challenge might be to get him to cook....
                          Le Sarramea


                          • #14
                            Yesterday I tried out a couple of new recipes.

                            I'd been given a huge potimarron squash so I roasted then froze some; made pumpkin chutney and then spicy pumpkin soup.

                            I've normally found the size overfacing, but have to say that it was very rewarding to see all the final results produced in only 2 hrs!

                            I've saved a few seeds to chuck on the compost to grow on later in the year!

                            I still have another one given to me in November so I'm a lot happier about tackling that one now
                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • #15
                              Well my first challenge has been completed and that was to do an inventory of my two freezers, besides some fresh fruit, a little veg, and some odds and ends, I reckon I won't need a major shop until March.

                              How on earth did I manage to amass 76 sausages?
                              I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


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