General information about the 52 Week Challenge is at Use that thread for discussions
Use this thread to report what Challenges you have done each week and what you thought of them!! I'll start each week on a Monday
Challengers :-
1. Veggie Chicken
2. Julesapple
3. MoopMoop
4. Piggle
5. Ananke
6. Hollychap
7. BigMallly
8. Alldigging
9. PyreneesPlot
10. Nicos
11. Petal
12. Sheneval
13. Bearded Bloke
14. Hazel at the Hill
15. Newton
16. Binley 100
17. Tripmeup
18. Jeanied
19. Feral
20. MikeyWills
21. Potstubsdustbins
22. Bramble
23. Mothhawk
24. Bumpybabemagnet
25. Strawberry delight
26. Maytreefrannie
27. Lottie Dolly
28. redser
29. Taff
30. Wizzbang

Use this thread to report what Challenges you have done each week and what you thought of them!! I'll start each week on a Monday

Challengers :-
1. Veggie Chicken
2. Julesapple
3. MoopMoop
4. Piggle
5. Ananke
6. Hollychap
7. BigMallly
8. Alldigging
9. PyreneesPlot
10. Nicos
11. Petal
12. Sheneval
13. Bearded Bloke
14. Hazel at the Hill
15. Newton
16. Binley 100
17. Tripmeup
18. Jeanied
19. Feral
20. MikeyWills
21. Potstubsdustbins
22. Bramble
23. Mothhawk
24. Bumpybabemagnet
25. Strawberry delight
26. Maytreefrannie
27. Lottie Dolly
28. redser
29. Taff
30. Wizzbang