All thats left of my shed

I am so hacked off everything has gone, all those useful bits you collect over the years as well as all my tools some of which were my dads (RIP) or presents from DD, friends, etc. All my seeds & as fellow seedaholics will know thats not a couple of packs, even my saved seeds

I dont even have a plant label left to my name - I'm taking a few days out to think about whether I want to continue with my plot as it seems this is a member of the site but without evidence nothing can be done and to rub salt into the wounds, pic is my old shed - I moved plots a week or so ago and put a new shed on new plot - the person concerned realised their mistake after torching old shed & came back on wednesday night & torched my new shed!!!!! 2 sheds burnt to the ground in a couple of days + the 2 sheds belonging to the other 2 officers = 4 sheds in 5 days. Who said allotments were places to relax.....