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Possible free money for Christmas if you've got kids


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  • Possible free money for Christmas if you've got kids

    This is completely genuine, it's from someone I know who's an independent Financial Adviser. I've sent this on to everyone I work with and a fair few of them look like they could be in for a little windfall. His words are pasted below, and if any Grapes get a big cheque as a result, I like my grapes red and fermented


    The year before Tax Credits were introduced there was a different non-means tested allowance available which was never advertised by the Inland Revenue. It is called the Children�s Tax Allowance for the Year 2002/3. You can still claim this tax allowance before the 31 January 2009 deadline.

    You need to phone HMRC on 0845 302 1437 and ask them to check whether you have already received this allowance and, if not, enquire as to what action you need to take.
    You are eligible to claim �520.00 allowance if;

    *You have a child born between 6 April 1986 and 5 April 2003
    *The child lived with you for all or part of 2002/2003
    *You worked and paid tax for all or part of 2002/2003
    *You or your partner earned �6,000 plus in the year 2002/2003 tax year

    You are eligible for the �1,040 allowance if;

    *If you can answer yes to the four questions above, and
    *One of your children was born between 6 April 2002 and 5 April 2003

    *Making a claim does not affect your current or future entitlement to Working or Child Tax credits.
    *Your Marital status is irrelevant
    *You cannot claim the allowance twice and if your final tax code on your April 2003 P60 ended in a H or a T, you have already had the allowance.
    *This is an easy claim for you to make so do not get duped into paying someone to do it for you because they are likely to charge a large percentage for their services.

  • #2
    Already had ours, in 2004, unfortunately, although it was fortunate at the time . But yes, it IS genuine, so if anyone hasn't had it you should ring up and claim it!


    • #3
      If you don't have a child born between 6 April 2002 and 5 April 2003 and you donh't have a copy of your P60 for April 2003, who do you check with?
      Happy Gardening,


      • #4
        Phew! Thanks Sarzwix, after 50 views and no replies I was beginning to worry that everyone had decided I'm some sort of scammer.


        • #5
          Shirl, it's 1986 and 2003, it's just that they pay double for children born between 2002 and 2003. No idea why

          If you ring the number, they've got all your records on the computer anyway, so they should be able to tell you once they get the Data Protection Act stuff out of the way and can confirm you're you


          • #6
            Ta, will report back tomorrow - fingers crossed!
            Happy Gardening,


            • #7
              can I claim for my friends kids?


              • #8
                Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
                can I claim for my friends kids?
                I wish!
                It was the C.A.B. that told us to claim it, the IR really didn't make it known at the time that you could get it! I bet they don't pay you the interest they've gained through hanging onto the money for so many years


                • #9
                  Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
                  can I claim for my friends kids?
                  how about my dog?


                  • #10
                    my beloved Charlie was born between those dates - but he is dead now, would that work against my claim?


                    • #11
                      actually i just thought ..... i don't have a p60 for that year, as i was living with my ex, at the time, maybe i should give them a ring?? though i'm not sure if it would work or not, cos he was the only one working, but i definitely would have remembered getting this


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lynda66 View Post
                        actually i just thought ..... i don't have a p60 for that year, as i was living with my ex, at the time, maybe i should give them a ring?? though i'm not sure if it would work or not, cos he was the only one working, but i definitely would have remembered getting this
                        If it was him paying the tax, then I think it'd be him getting the tax rebate Not 100% certain of that though!


                        • #13
                          damn ...... shan't be mentioning that to him then lol ....... not that i know where he is or care


                          • #14
                            It might be worth checking with someone a bit more 'official' than what I is After all, they did pay Family Tax Credit (or whatever it was called when they first started it) specifically to the mother, but I can't remember with this one if it was paid seperately, or if it just changed your tax code...?


                            • #15
                              we did get working tax credit thingy whatsit ...... if it changed the tax code, then i probably wouldn't have noticed lol


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