As we were tidying the bottom end of our plot today (the last bit of overgrown wilderness on there, a large highly raised bed which is covered in nettles, brambles, rasps and bindweed) Mr D removed some of the plastic ground covering to find a snoozing hedgehog curled up in his den of leaves and snug for the winter! He was breathing, so we covered him back up and wont be disturbing that area until the spring!
We are both really happy to find him on the plot, as we want to be as organic as possible and having a hedgehog will help to keep the slugs and snails under control (along with the frogs and toads we have from our pond) without resort to using slug pellets!
It was really fab to see it so close up, the last time I was as close to a live hedgehog as this was when I was little at Primary School and my Teacher brought one in to show us all!
Think we are goning to have to do a little bit of research into providing him with a home for after we've sorted out the bottom bed next year, as although we want to get the area cleared, its definitely not going to be at the expense of the hedgehogs home! We were planning on leaving the back 2 foot or so wild, its under blackthorn and hawthorn trees, so is a bit difficult to get to anyhows, so I think we are going to put up some supports accross the bottom and train the blackberries and rasps up there onto it to make a second fedge, leaving the area behind it to go as wild as it wants, and just trim it back if it tries to take over through the fedge!
We are both really happy to find him on the plot, as we want to be as organic as possible and having a hedgehog will help to keep the slugs and snails under control (along with the frogs and toads we have from our pond) without resort to using slug pellets!
It was really fab to see it so close up, the last time I was as close to a live hedgehog as this was when I was little at Primary School and my Teacher brought one in to show us all!
Think we are goning to have to do a little bit of research into providing him with a home for after we've sorted out the bottom bed next year, as although we want to get the area cleared, its definitely not going to be at the expense of the hedgehogs home! We were planning on leaving the back 2 foot or so wild, its under blackthorn and hawthorn trees, so is a bit difficult to get to anyhows, so I think we are going to put up some supports accross the bottom and train the blackberries and rasps up there onto it to make a second fedge, leaving the area behind it to go as wild as it wants, and just trim it back if it tries to take over through the fedge!
