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I've 'Caved' in !


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  • I've 'Caved' in !

    I've just bought a 'Culti Cave' mini greenhouse online from Greenfingers at �38.99.
    Not cheap I know but after reading reviews online for hours - it seems a step up from a 'Blowaway'. I'm just fed up with having nowhere to put seedlings except a cold frame and I want to grow some aubergines and proper tomatoes (that go red) this year + other stuff. Sizewise it looks perfect as I'm very short of space and deffo none for a proper (even a lickle one) glasshouse. Let's call it my easter pressie to myself.

    Anyone have any experience of them ?.

    Sorry don't know how to do the linky thing if anyone can please feel free.

    My Square Foot Gardening Experiment Blog :

  • #2
    Is this it FrancesB? Looks interesting!!
    Culti Cave : Cave Innovations, storage solutions for Gardening, Camping, Caravans and Mobility Scooters.


    • #3
      Excellent idea if you can anchor it down, plus the additional benefit of zipping 2 together if you get more room.
      sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
      Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
      Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
      KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


      • #4
        yep my thoughts exactly - although I'm really short of space so two might be a stretch but I really feel I need something !

        thanks for the link VeggieChick you must tell me how to do it I'm so computer inept it hurts - kids can do all sorts and I must keep up.

        Can't wait til it arrives - I've found the spot for it - just been out for an hour or so (tidying sowing some sweet peas chasing the chickens back into their run having a glass of wine or two) the weather has improved after the last two days so I'm raring to go!

        thanks all

        My Square Foot Gardening Experiment Blog :


        • #5
          I like the look of that. After the council saying I need to apply for a development license for a 3m by 2m polytunnel (�70) on the plot, I could get several and zip them together instead. The license and tunnel would cost about �140, so I could get 3 for a similar price .
          I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
          Now a little Shrinking Violet.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BarleySugar View Post
            After the council saying I need to apply for a development license .
            Well that just makes me mad!!!! I was recently asked for �260 just for 'permission' to upgrade and replace 3 sets of windows in my flat (leasehold ex council). They were to make no contribution to costs, would benefit by not having to decorate or replace (both their responsibility according to lease) - needless to say I told them to get stuffed. That's a weeks wages for me just for some admin assistant to photocopy a piece of paper - I've no plans at all to sell in the near future and when I do who's gonna tell ???

            Back on topic - Barley I think they seem like a really good product, done some research online last night after googling 'pop up greenhouse' hoping that there was such a thing and lo and behlold someone had thought of it - frankly I don't understand why they are not more widely known, perhaps their business model of not selling direct to public but leaving it up to distributors to do the sales and marketing for them ?

            I'll update this thread once I've received parcel and got it up and running.

            My Square Foot Gardening Experiment Blog :


            • #7
              Originally posted by francesbean View Post
              thanks for the link VeggieChick you must tell me how to do it I'm so computer inept it hurts - kids can do all sorts and I must keep up.
              This is so simple even I can do it - so you can too. At the top of the computer, it has the website address like this
              Highlight it with your mouse, right click and choose Copy, move your cursor to the place where you want it to go, right click again and choose Paste. Done
              I'm sure there are all sorts of shortcuts but I can live with this method!!
              Last edited by veggiechicken; 10-04-2012, 09:47 PM.


              • #8
                Just to say I bought a double unit from ebay, which we finally got up today. We tried on Friday, but the wind picked up before we were quite done, and we had to abort the construction. Putting the rods in to make the curve was easy with 2 people, but I think a bit of a challenge on your own (especially for me, being a bit on the short side).
                The main problem seemed to be one of the units wasn't quite the same size as the other, so zipping them together meant there was about 1cm extra zip one side. Also it meant the rods were tighter, and put a lot of strain on the plastic where it was stitched. It has pulled away a bit, so I'm hoping we don't get a full size tear when the wind blows again. There is only one end to the zip, unlike on tents, so you can't go halfway with one, and then halfway with the other.
                However, now it is up it feels pretty sturdy. If you have any experience of putting tents up, this is basically the same. On a calm day, with 2 people, it would take very little time. We have placed 4 paving stones in it, one in each corner until I get the pots and grobags in. Our site is windy, and although it comes with loads of tent pegs, better safe than sorry. The intention is to take it down in the autumn to store over winter. For �62 including delivery, if it lasts for 2-3 seasons it will be worth it.

                Result I contacted the seller regarding the problems of putting this together with the faulty unit, not expecting a replacement because I wasn't going to dismantle it all again. She is sending out another unit without me having to return the original, free of charge .
                Last edited by BarleySugar; 23-04-2012, 12:01 PM.
                I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                Now a little Shrinking Violet.



                • #9
                  Well done BarleySugar on getting a spare cave free of charge. I tried to put the rods in myself and failed miserably, but it only took 10 mins with another pair of hands. I agree about the zip, I also wish it was a halfway round one, but saying that its pretty sturdy.

                  I've got mine freestanding with some growbags in at the moment (seeds perched on top) and have used some of the tent pegs (silver sticks) to tether it to the soil. So far even in the winds we've had it has stayed put. I haven't investigated the other tethering stuff that came with it yet as the pegs seem to be doing the job.

                  Size wise I'm thinking I can fit 2 big compost bags along the sides (possibly plant direct into them like a giant growbag) and either one or two ordinary sized growbags in the middle - that should be plenty for my tomatoes, aubergines peppers and chillis - or ratatouille if I'm lucky!

                  My Square Foot Gardening Experiment Blog :


                  • #10
                    Son no2 went up to check on things this afternoon after torrential rain and very high winds (sunny now, but still very windy). The caves are still up, but it is good we put the guy ropes on. The pegs are sitting in puddles of water (clay soil, new site last year) and not doing much towards keeping it up. On the plus side the rods are keeping the shape well, and the grow bags inside have obviously worked. I'm pleased there is no structural damage, our site is very windy and I did have my doubts.
                    Last edited by BarleySugar; 26-04-2012, 05:53 PM.
                    I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                    Now a little Shrinking Violet.



                    • #11
                      just wondered how your exciting see-through caves worked out...are you happy?


                      • #12
                        I thought I'd post an update on how this worked out. Sadly I've just been up to take the caves down. They had survivied until the week before Christmas, but on Christmas day when I went up to get sprouts and kale they were in tatters. The plastic had not just ripped out of the seams, but split from front to back too. I looked at the cost of replacement covers but at �26 a pop it isn't worth it as I'd need 3.I didn't get enough harvest to justify that sort of cost each year. I've still got the fibre glass rods and pegs, but the rest has gone to the tip.
                        I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                        Now a little Shrinking Violet.



                        • #13
                          That's a shame. I had success with those tomato tents from Wilkos at �12 a pop before I got the greenhouse. You have to tie them back to fencing though. I found my blow away rubbish. Still have it's rods but don't know why really.
                          Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

                          Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BarleySugar View Post
                            I've still got the fibre glass rods and pegs, but the rest has gone to the tip.
                            BS its a pity they didn't last but seeing as you've got the rods left you can use them to make brassica cages.
                            Location....East Midlands.


                            • #15
                              Its marketed to last longer than it has for you which is ashame.
                              If your sure its a genuine one and not a copy might be worth a try getting in touch with the manufacturer and letting them know your experience and disappointment and see what the customer service is like. You never know they may be great and send you come covers.

                              on the website it does say.
                              Beware of cheap alternatives! Unlike many other PVC grow houses on the market, the Culti-Cave is made from tough UV stable PVC and will not perish and disintegrate in 12 months time!
                              It is made from a high grade UV stabilised PVC for longer life providing excellent protection and an easily maintained, durable wipe clean surface.

                              Theres a uk address and phone number on the contact us page.
                              Contact Us : Cave Innovations, storage solutions for Gardening, Camping, Caravans and Mobility Scooters.


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