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It needs water?


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  • It needs water?

    Hello everyone,

    We moved into a new house last winter, with a reasonable size garden, plus!!!! a raised bed. Since then i have gained a 3m x2m poly tunnel, then a 8ft x 6ft green house. A large compost bin and a wormery. This hobby should come with a warning. The amount of seed packets i have now is crazy, doesnt help that i work within a Wyevale store.

    I have sat on the side lines for awhile now reading through the different subjects and have learnt alot. So its times to introduce myself...... Hello I'm Jon.
    Please don't tap the glass

    2013, first year of trying to grow food for the table, any advice certainly welcomed.

  • #2
    Hello Jon and welcome. What is it about fish that makes people nutty? You should fit in well here


    • #3
      :Thankyou for the welcome Veggiechicken, (pauses and has a blank look on face).. Fish and nutty?....Smiles @ fitting in here lol

      (Shouts out loud)... I just wanna grow more stuff.
      Please don't tap the glass

      2013, first year of trying to grow food for the table, any advice certainly welcomed.


      • #4
        Hello and welcome to the vine Jon
        Location....East Midlands.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jonthefish View Post
          This hobby should come with a warning. The amount of seed packets i have now is crazy, doesnt help that i work within a Wyevale store.
          Quick Wyevale shares!!!!!!

          ...oh - and welcome to the Vine!
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #6
            Bren and Nicos, thankyou for the welcomes. Lol@ Nicos, the manager is on the verge of baning me buying anymore Tomatoes.
            Please don't tap the glass

            2013, first year of trying to grow food for the table, any advice certainly welcomed.


            • #7
              Croeso i'r Vine. Sorry it's late.
              "A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

              PS. I just don't have enough time to say hello to everyone as they join so please take this as a delighted to see you here!


              • #8
                Welcome! Seeds, well when the world ends we'll all go off to the new world with lots of seeds!

                My blog:

                Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


                • #9
                  welcome from me too..
                  I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                  ...utterly nutterly


                  • #10
                    Hello and welcome (a bit late)

                    Originally posted by Jonthefish View Post
                    Lol@ Nicos, the manager is on the verge of baning me buying anymore Tomatoes.
                    Point out that your are helping the turnover figures look good
                    Le Sarramea


                    • #11
                      Hello from me too!


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