I stumbled across this website ( using add on to firefox) just like to say hello and i am growing lots this season, dill, basil,sweet marjoram, potato's, tomato's, aubergines, courgettes, and around 20 varieties of chili's which i love and use in Indian curries almost everyday, i also make chutney with the chili's i grow..
I am also growing ginger, mango plant from seed, pomigranate from seed ( its around 18inches) and lots of other things.
germinating the mango kernel ( seed) is really a sweet project, everyone should try it, i have pics from start to finish if anyone is intrested please PM me
i wanted to show you a pic of the pomegarante seedling, but the pic is 1mb, and it wont let me upload.. ill figure out a way
I am also growing ginger, mango plant from seed, pomigranate from seed ( its around 18inches) and lots of other things.
germinating the mango kernel ( seed) is really a sweet project, everyone should try it, i have pics from start to finish if anyone is intrested please PM me
i wanted to show you a pic of the pomegarante seedling, but the pic is 1mb, and it wont let me upload.. ill figure out a way
