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Demi johns/Damson wine q's


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  • Demi johns/Damson wine q's

    We have a ton of damsons to use in the next two weeks or so and I thought i'd have a bash at damson wine. I've picked up some info from this forum already, but need help with a couple of things.

    Firstly, any difference between glass and plastic demi-johns? I've buying all equipment from scratch and want to get it right! I can't find a good beginner's kit so trying to gather the bits and bobs myself.

    Also, any particular tips for damson wine? I'd love a a fairly full and dry wine if at all possible (although just being drinkable would be a good start).

    Might also have a go at elderberry as millions around at the moment!
    I don't roll on Shabbos

  • #2
    My OH is the wine expert, he reckons that there's probably little difference between plastic and glass, though he prefers the glass 'because he just does'. Try 'Brewmart' at the bottom of Holme Lane as they usually have good beginners' kits, and if they haven't anything to your liking you'll be able to have a good look at various bits and bobs and choose what you think is suitable, but also ask for advice. I admit that OH does use glass almost exclusively, but at this time of year when there's so much to make he does resort to plastic.
    Last edited by bluemoon; 26-08-2008, 05:16 PM.
    Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


    • #3
      Humph, went out to pick damsons today as I fancied making jam and wine. Whole 200 yard hedge of damson trees - result - a half dozen puny specimens. Not sure if the birdies had ate them all or if there just weren't any to start with.
      Happy Gardening,


      • #4
        I just got a beginners kit from these guys: The Home Brew Shop Wine Starter Kits Scroll to the bottom and 2nd from the bottom is their kit for making wine from your own fruit! I went and picked it up since they aren't far from me, but they do deliver. And I'm dead jealous of your haul of damsons, as my tree hardly has any this year.


        • #5
          Thanks all. Gosh - I do feel lucky now. Just picked the first lot this morning - just shook a branch really - we're going to have about 2 dustbins full I think! This is best year I can remember - last year we didn't get a single one either, so maybe you'll get a good haul next year? I'm so proud of our lovely tree, I've done a piccie! Most of the branches are this - the whole tree is weighed down almost to the ground - doing a good job of hiding our wheelie bins in the corner! Thanks also Bluemoon - off to Brewmart tomorrow!
          Attached Files
          I don't roll on Shabbos


          • #6
            First post for ages!

            If you want Demijohns cheaply, then go to Asda / Tesco/ Morrisons / etc. & buy their 5 litre bottles of (cheapest) water - then Wilko's for a couple of airlocks - then to your local (independant) car accessory shop for rubber grommets to suit the air lock - drill the top of the water bottle, fit the grommet & airlock & there you are - Ihave 2 fruit juice wines on the go at the moment this way.

            Experiment & Enjoy

            The Allotment Directory - coming soon (watch this space!)
            Movember - I am growing a 'tache in support of men's health


            • #7
              Bluemoon - Brewmart was excellent! Lovely helpful woman there took my scrawled, illegible list and sorted me out for less than �30.00! Got fancy things like oak woodchips and everything! They'd run out of hydrometers though? Is that and essential thing? Can't wait to get going on it!
              I don't roll on Shabbos


              • #8
                Originally posted by nkp1962 View Post
                First post for ages!

                If you want Demijohns cheaply, then go to Asda / Tesco/ Morrisons / etc. & buy their 5 litre bottles of (cheapest) water - then Wilko's for a couple of airlocks - then to your local (independant) car accessory shop for rubber grommets to suit the air lock - drill the top of the water bottle, fit the grommet & airlock & there you are - Ihave 2 fruit juice wines on the go at the moment this way.

                Experiment & Enjoy


                Thank you, though read it too late as I returned from brewmart!
                I don't roll on Shabbos


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rhona View Post
                  Thank you, though read it too late as I returned from brewmart!
                  No probs - however when you get started you might want to remeber it, as it's addictive

                  Waht dod you get for your 30 quid?

                  The Allotment Directory - coming soon (watch this space!)
                  Movember - I am growing a 'tache in support of men's health


                  • #10
                    Everything I hope!

                    Now, I is a bit scared... I've got my stuff ready, little baby having a nap, and I want to start my wine but just realised there's thousands of recipes out there!!! ANyone got the definitive damson wine recipe, or are they all more or less the same??? When do I add things like grape must and oak bits? Bet I mess it up.
                    I don't roll on Shabbos


                    • #11
                      I wouldn't add anything 'oaky' to damsons. A handful of raisins will provide all the 'grapeyness' you are likely to need.
                      I made some 'blue plum' wine last year (it is a claret, the plums were blue...) by putting 3lbs plums in a bucket, mashing them a bit, adding 2lbs sugar (I actually use a ikg bag, which is a little more than 2lbs),
                      cover and leave 24 hours,
                      add 1 kettleful of boiling water, and stir, trying to get as much sugar disolved as possible
                      Add some more water (cold) and stir some more. Keep track of total water added and don't let it get over 6� pints.
                      Once you have persuaded all the sugar to dissolve, strain out the remains of the fruit (it does no harm to get some 'pulp' in, but exclude stones and skin)
                      Add yeast nutrient, and (when cool enough) yeast. Put it in a demijohn.
                      Dissolve another �lb sugar in the smallest amount of very hot water you can use (should end up with something between � and 1 pint of syrup). Keep this in a closed jar until the wine has done the 'enthusiastic' bit, then top up with the syrup.
                      After that, it just did the wine thing.
                      I do regret NOT adding some minced raisins at the beginning. Another way of getting that touch of 'grapeyness' (which I am sure would improve the flavour) would be to use one of those little tins of grape concentrate as a top-up instead of half the syrup.
                      Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                      • #12
                        Brill - thanks for that. I'd like to make the wine dry if possible. Do I need to add that amount of sugar to make it all work, or can I make the wine drier by cutting down on the sugar?

                        thanks again.
                        I don't roll on Shabbos


                        • #13
                          It should be possible to ferment out with that much sugar if you don't add it all at the start. I have occasionally had a dry wine from a full 3lbs sugar, but 2� is safer and it does help to add the last bit as syrup when topping up after the first few days in the demijohn, rather than all at the very beginning. The plums I used were sweeter than damsons anyway, so you may find it isn't oversweet....
                          Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                          • #14
                            Thanks so much - that's just the help I need!

                            Right then. As soon as baby girl hits the snooze button tomorrow, I'm picking my damsons and doing it!
                            I don't roll on Shabbos


                            • #15

                              Hows the wine doing?

                              The Allotment Directory - coming soon (watch this space!)
                              Movember - I am growing a 'tache in support of men's health


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