So, having tried my hand at a Wilko wine kit, I'm now ready to have a bash at my own parsnip wine.
I'm starting a thread so that I can record how it goes, and so that you can all chuck in your two penn'th.
A couple of observations before I start - one is that making wine from root veg still leaves the root veg usable (thank you, Brewer Again, I would not have thought of that) which means that I am not brewing wine to use up the European Parsnip Mountain, I am brewing wine as well as having the European Parsnip Mountain.
The other is that when I went into the Brew shop to get peptic enzyme (as called for by C J J Berry in his First Steps in Winemaking book), and the Brew man said that I should use amylase instead - peptic enzyme is used to clear the pectin from fruit based wines, amylase is used to clear the starch from veg based wines.
Came home re-checked the book - the Brew man is right about the pectin/starch thing, so why does the 'recipe' clearly call for peptic enzyme and not amylase??
This tiny hurdle apart, I'm ready to go!
I'm starting a thread so that I can record how it goes, and so that you can all chuck in your two penn'th.

A couple of observations before I start - one is that making wine from root veg still leaves the root veg usable (thank you, Brewer Again, I would not have thought of that) which means that I am not brewing wine to use up the European Parsnip Mountain, I am brewing wine as well as having the European Parsnip Mountain.
The other is that when I went into the Brew shop to get peptic enzyme (as called for by C J J Berry in his First Steps in Winemaking book), and the Brew man said that I should use amylase instead - peptic enzyme is used to clear the pectin from fruit based wines, amylase is used to clear the starch from veg based wines.
Came home re-checked the book - the Brew man is right about the pectin/starch thing, so why does the 'recipe' clearly call for peptic enzyme and not amylase??
This tiny hurdle apart, I'm ready to go!