I have yet to make a successful wine and I really would like this one to work! I made this according to Andy Hamilton's recipe - Andy Hamilton's delicious crab apple wine | Life and style | guardian.co.uk although I think I was 200g of apples short and I left it in the primary bin longer for convienience reasons.
After 1.5 weeks in primary bin (where it was active and happy) it was strained and went into a glass demijohn, where initially it bubbled a bit - nothing really that impressive though, and nothing for a few weeks after then. A month on, I racked it (lots of apple sludge so will need more rackings, but looks clearer already), tasted it and tested it. It's alcoholic to some extent (I really can't tell how much as I gave up wine for lent so don't want to quaff enough to test how strong it is!) but still tastes noticeably sweet, SG is 1.030. Unfortunately I didn't test it at the start as I didn't have a trial jar then.
Heat-wise it lives next to a radiator, which is perhaps too hot? Our house is cold otherwise so I thought it needed to be somewhere slightly warmer. Secondary fermentation probably doesn't need to be that warm though...
I'm assuming it is in stuck fermentation? Is there anything I can do to restart it? I've ruined my last two wines by mucking about with them so thought I should ask for advice before wrecking this one too
After 1.5 weeks in primary bin (where it was active and happy) it was strained and went into a glass demijohn, where initially it bubbled a bit - nothing really that impressive though, and nothing for a few weeks after then. A month on, I racked it (lots of apple sludge so will need more rackings, but looks clearer already), tasted it and tested it. It's alcoholic to some extent (I really can't tell how much as I gave up wine for lent so don't want to quaff enough to test how strong it is!) but still tastes noticeably sweet, SG is 1.030. Unfortunately I didn't test it at the start as I didn't have a trial jar then.
Heat-wise it lives next to a radiator, which is perhaps too hot? Our house is cold otherwise so I thought it needed to be somewhere slightly warmer. Secondary fermentation probably doesn't need to be that warm though...
I'm assuming it is in stuck fermentation? Is there anything I can do to restart it? I've ruined my last two wines by mucking about with them so thought I should ask for advice before wrecking this one too
