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New run finally sorted!


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  • New run finally sorted!

    Pretty much finished now bar a couple of tweaks (i.e. above the doorway needs to be redone and properly finished), but here's some pictures:



    Chickens checking it out!

    Must say, the broody isn't pleased, desperately trying to get out to get to the old coop - but the others have settled into the new coop fine. I think it's because there's no where really for her to find a nice small corner!

    Bit of an improvement over their old run, which was linked to the old coop via a tunnel type thing: - which was only 1m x 2m... still not as large as we'd "like" but this corner of the garden wasn't being used for anything else really. The plan is that they'll be shut away in there over night (obviously) and if we go out, all other times they'll be able to go into the garden.

    May stick a pophole on the door or something (to the run) not sure yet, we'll see how things pan out!

    Enjoyed doing this, wouldn't mind doing an outdoor job... food for thought!

  • #2
    Very nice Chris. Worth the effort I think and I the side panels with the weldmesh

    Do you fancy popping up to Huddersfield and making me one?



    • #3
      Yep, it's all weldmesh - I need to stick some over the roof, so will do it inside for now, just incase it ever blows off, or breaks/whatever.. When I need to replace it, I'll move the mesh to over the top of the roof.

      We're going away for a week soon so I've had to finger my out so to speak to get it sorted - we couldn't leave them for a week in a small run that like (it was only temporary) - at least they'll be able to stretch their legs a bit, but most of all (I hope!) they'll be safe.

      I think it was either you or petal that gave me the idea for the hinged door on the coop - so thanks for that.. I was going to originally hinge the roof - but this is a much better way I think!

      Would love to if I had the time polo!


      • #4
        I also promised you photos and never got them. Sorry! However, your house looks very like the one I was getting the photos of. Really easy to clean, hinged full door and no lip to have to brush over. Looks ace!


        • #5
          Tidy butt. What made you decide to concrete their floor area?
          I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


          • #6
            I was going to slab it [i knew we'd be going away - didn't fancy coming back to a hole dug in by a fox or what not], until my father in law said concrete would be cheaper (yeah, right!!!) and eaisier (wasn't sure how I'd get the slabs around the back of the posts etc), and then in the end I thought bugger it, rather than me mixing it I'll get it pre-mixed from mini mix.

            As we're going to be going on holiday soon, I wanted to make it safe for them.. my neighbour tells me often she sees a fox around the area. It aint going to be able to dig in that!

            I did toy with the idea of buying mesh in the floor - but I wanted the stump out in the end anyway, so once I'd had that out I had a huge crater and decided that I really didn't want thehassle of digging further along to buy more mesh.. Plus, now I'll replace (currently, the shavings) the wood chip, or whatever we'll use next time rather than dig the ground/lime it etc! At least with you, you'll be able to rest the ground as you can alternate between the two beds.

            So erm, all in all I don't know

            Issue I have now is that they love to scratch and dig, and just fill their feeder and water dispenser with bloomin shavings now!! I'll have to raise them up higher or something.


            • #7
              Can you hang them from the underside of the coop?
              I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


              • #8
                They are at the mo (well thats why there are)- both have hanging string attached to them, but with the water they used to bat it around and tip it over.. it's currently up on two breeze blocks - I'll stick it up higher I think.. food wise I could hang up higher, as it;s just on the legs at the mo!


                • #9
                  No eggs this morning yet either... fully expecting them to lay somewhere on the floor, then bury them. heh, it'll be fun finding them! Easter egg hunts all over again! (except a pooey one no doubt).


                  • #10
                    That really looks the business now Chris. Well done!
                    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

           Updated March 9th - Spring


                    • #11
                      What have you got on the floor chris, is it wood shavings?
                      I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


                      • #12
                        Thanks Flum!

                        Yes, Mikey - I had probably a third of a bale of compressed shavings left, I only use a dash in the coop now - so thought I'd use it up then give that other bedding a try when I replace this lot. My plan is, depending on the state of it, replace it completely within 3/4 months, to tie in with worming them.. so it's a regular thing to remember.

                        I worked out that the shavings bale used to last me ~3/4 months, and cost �8. This way, by using a small amount in the coop, and I'd guess a third on the floor they could last a while... but they do take a long time to rot down. I've a compost bin soley for the dirty bedding + greens.. I'm sure once I change the bedding it'll be full from this lot!


                        • #13
                          So even with the chicken manure, the temperature doesn't get hot enough in the compost bin.

                          Its all food for thought for me, I'm still waiting for my Eglu to arrive, parcelforce are dead slow. Collected from omlet Thursday am, and it still isn't here. 48 hour service my foot.
                          I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


                          • #14
                            I've only had them over winter mate - since last October... it is breaking down faster now (esp as I'm weeing more often on it too! -was a bit chilly to get my thingy that rhymes with chilly out over winter). I also don't have a working mower yet, so have been unable to mix grass clippings in with it!

                            But yes, they do take a while to breakdown. I was reading about that hemp bedding, breaking down faster - which was quoted as 3-4 months. Considering, I was using cardboard/newspaper as my browns in my other compost bin, I had compost ready in ~1 month odd - mixing it often. So it probably was down to the wrong balance over winter.

                            So you getting the chooks this weekend then? (if your coop arrives!)


                            • #15
                              ... or there's rubber chippings too, to consider mikey? I guess if you rinse them off, and some how drain them the water could go in the compost bin - then give 'em a wash with some disinfectant?


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