One of my chucks stopped laying about a week ago, but as all seemed happy It was impossible to discover which one was not laying so I put it down to one resting but have been keeping an eye on them. Anyway, yesterday I noticed that one of the chucks was stood on her own hunched and looking sorry for herself, so I separated her from the others just as a precaution against disease. I noticed she was not eating or drinking so out came a syringe and water was administered a little later I noticed what looked like yokey vomit so decided to check her crop as I massaged it she began to vomit up a bad smelling liquid and her crop seemed to be filling up with more liquid and after some research came across sour crop as the likely problem she is still issolated from the others and being monitored I have introduced some baking powder in water to counter the acid and sofened her food I check her every few hours as my family wont touch the chucks, i'm hopping she pulls through if not I suppose the pot is an option.
What would other suggest to help her through this?
Mr G
What would other suggest to help her through this?
Mr G