Blackcurrant cordial
This recipe was gleaned from a friend and I tried it for the first time last year. I don't use as much sugar as it states so you might want to add it gradually until its sweet enough for your taste. As there is no boiling involved the vit C content remains.
2lb blackcurrents
1 pint water
Put both in a big bowl. Mash the blackcurrants.
Cover with a clean cloth.
Leave 2-3 days in a cool, dark place.
Place the bowl over a saucepan of boiling water, let the mixture warm through and stir well to release the juices.
Strain through a muslin cloth.
Measure the liquid and add 12 oz sugar for 1 pint liquid. Heat v. gently to dissolve the sugar.
Pour the liquid into bottles.
Keeps 6 weeks in the fridge or can be frozen.
This recipe was gleaned from a friend and I tried it for the first time last year. I don't use as much sugar as it states so you might want to add it gradually until its sweet enough for your taste. As there is no boiling involved the vit C content remains.
2lb blackcurrents
1 pint water
Put both in a big bowl. Mash the blackcurrants.
Cover with a clean cloth.
Leave 2-3 days in a cool, dark place.
Place the bowl over a saucepan of boiling water, let the mixture warm through and stir well to release the juices.
Strain through a muslin cloth.
Measure the liquid and add 12 oz sugar for 1 pint liquid. Heat v. gently to dissolve the sugar.
Pour the liquid into bottles.
Keeps 6 weeks in the fridge or can be frozen.