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What are your favourite Jerusalem Artichoke recipes?


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  • What are your favourite Jerusalem Artichoke recipes?

    Does anyone have a / some favourite Jerusalem artichoke recipes they could share with me? We have a LOT, so I think I need to get a bit more creative than 'mix them in with the mashed potato' which was all I'd ever tried before

  • #2

    I tried this recipe at the weekend, and thought they were delicious! Never tried jerusalem artichokes before, so didn't know what to expect. Have to say I was pleasantly surprised!

    Jamie Oliver - Recipes - saut�d jerusalem artichokes with garlic and bay leaves


    • #3
      soup, veg oxo, potaoes, jeruselem artichoke, onion, parsip, water and cream, finely chop andboil ingredients except cream until soft then add cream to taste along with salt and pepper can also be liquidised for a smooth soup.

      thickly slice the artichokes with carrot, leek, parsnip, small cubes sweet potatoe and baby turnips toss in olive oil with a clove or two of chopped garlic sprinkle with rosemary and roast gas 5 for about 25-55 minutes depending on quantity you do, toss during roasting for even cooking.

      ive done both of these this year.


      • #4
        Tempura vegatables work for me.

        Very thinly slice veg of your choice (carrot, aubergine, courgette.....JA) so you have long (very) thin (3 - 4 inches) strips, mix thoroughly.

        Make a batter in the normal fashion substituting soda water for beer or water - a thick cream consistancy is good.

        Dip a small handful in the batter mix and drop into hot fat - does in a minute or so, and looks kind of spidery.

        Serve with dipping sauce of your choice - I'm common, sweet and sour for me.


        • #5
          Leave them in the ground is my best suggestion!


          • #6
            I've posted a few Fartichoke Recipes over the last year on this lovely forum, so you could try searching them? They're also, beautifully called 'Sunchokes' by my favourite Irish Chef (Denis Cotter).


            • #7

              thanks for the input. And you're right - sunchoke sounds MUCH better than fartichokes


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