I`ve got ants on my runner beans. Do they do any damage? Also some clusters of black things on the underside of some leaves - any ideas?
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Ants on runner beans
Originally posted by pmc View PostI`ve got ants on my runner beans. Do they do any damage? Also some clusters of black things on the underside of some leaves - any ideas?
Yes, they are blackfly which the ants milk for their sugar secretions. Best to remove the fly if you can as they can increase quite rapidly and distort the leaves.
Originally posted by pmc View PostWhat`s the best way to get rid of them. Does soapy water work & Kimbo how do you make your garlic spray?
Not sure if it is going to work but is worth a go especially if you get them early.
There's nothing quicker and more effective than just squishing the blackfly (and greenfly) between your fingers. Do it regularly because they multiply rapidly (they're born pregnant).All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
Soapy water for me, about a tablespoon per watering can. Do it over and again for a couple of days. Farming aphids, the ants do more than just collect the sugary secretions, they drive the good insects away, thus making your lovely runners a breeding ground for aphids.
You can also get a horticultural glue to stop the ants from climbing up the plants, I know this works for trees, don't know if its the same for runner beans, I can't see why not.I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.
We've got ants & black fliy on the broad beans.
On Sunday I sprayed them with my homemade stuff, went to check them today and the infestation was much reduced - sprayed them again and will keep doing it until the plants are clean again. Squished as many as I could but the blackfly are right in the nooks and crannies where it's hard to get them - and I'm a bit scared of being bitten by the ants too!
Homemade stuff - slightly random made-up recipe - fill the plant sprayer with hot water (just from the hot tap, not boiling), add 3-4 soapnut husks, break 2 garlic cloves in half and add them, leave to steep / cool, then spray. This makes about 1.5 to 2 litres. And today I just used the dregs from yesterday with more hot water, it was still just as garlicky and soapy as yesterday, if not more so.
I've heard you can use soapwort or horse chestnuts instead of soapnuts - so when my soapnuts run out I'm going to save on carbon and try using something local / native instead! (For my next blag, I'll be seeking out some wild soapwort to dig up or take cuttings from or something...)
PS we've got huge number of ants - we've found 4 or 5 nests at least, just on our little plot - any tips for persuading the little chaps to move on? They like to camp under the chicken house!Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.
What a charming thread! The last time I grew runner beans I had a lot of black fly (well, they were black at any rate!). I simply saved my washing up water and used it to water the plants. Very effective and environmentally friendly, too.
I didn't know they were born pregnant. I suddenly feel sorry for the little beggars.
put some semolina were they are,the workers take it back to the nest,feed the queen,she cannot digest it,and bingo,bang she goes,so no more workers,and it works,type ANTS in the search,at the top right of page and see more ideas.sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
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