This year I'm growing several varieties of Broad Bean as a trial to see which we like the flavour of the most.
On my list to try, based on "Best Broad Bean Varieties" articles I have read is Broad Bean - Imperial Green Longpod (it also has RHS AGM)
I sowed all the other varieties in my trial some weeks ago, but I didn't have any seed of this variety. Today I visited all the local outlets and none of them stocked it (which is presumably why I didn't already have a packet from when I got my other seeds!!). So not outstandingly popular then, presumably?
None of Suttons, Marshalls, Unwins sell it ... Dobbies do (which I suppose is a part of Suttons), and T&M, but other than that its the more specialist outlets.
Although Moles sell it too. (325 seeds for �2.80 as against 50 seeds from T&M for �3.69 ...)
So the question is: is it worth me getting it for the trial, or is its flavour not that special?
Other varieties in my Broad Bean taste trial:
Aquadulce - I've always sown this for better cold tolerance, but I wonder if the flavour is a compromise. It will be my control
Bunyards Exhibition
Masterpiece Green Longpod
On my list to try, based on "Best Broad Bean Varieties" articles I have read is Broad Bean - Imperial Green Longpod (it also has RHS AGM)
I sowed all the other varieties in my trial some weeks ago, but I didn't have any seed of this variety. Today I visited all the local outlets and none of them stocked it (which is presumably why I didn't already have a packet from when I got my other seeds!!). So not outstandingly popular then, presumably?
None of Suttons, Marshalls, Unwins sell it ... Dobbies do (which I suppose is a part of Suttons), and T&M, but other than that its the more specialist outlets.
Although Moles sell it too. (325 seeds for �2.80 as against 50 seeds from T&M for �3.69 ...)
So the question is: is it worth me getting it for the trial, or is its flavour not that special?
Other varieties in my Broad Bean taste trial:
Aquadulce - I've always sown this for better cold tolerance, but I wonder if the flavour is a compromise. It will be my control
Bunyards Exhibition
Masterpiece Green Longpod