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Chillies - growing and overwintering 2017


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  • Chillies - growing and overwintering 2017

    This is a new thread to share our chilli growing progress through the year. Many of you have already started sowing their seeds already! Please post your grow list your progress, and as many photos as possible we would also like to know your germinating/growing techniques, props, lights etc and any other useful tips along the way!

    last years chilli thread can be found here :
    ...but beware, it's a very long thread lots of good info though!
    Last edited by Scarlet; 01-01-2017, 05:12 PM.

  • #2
    Ok...I'm in first with my grow list so far....

    Black naga
    Royal black
    Tri colour varigata
    Orange and a purple Jalapeno
    Fish chilli
    Trepadeira Werner
    Red hab
    Act Sivri
    Red manzano
    Turbo/Alberto cross
    Last edited by Scarlet; 17-12-2016, 01:05 PM.


    • #3
      I can see my see-eeeeeds! - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


      • #4
        I'll join you Scarlet, so you don't feel lonely is this nice new chilli thread

        my list for next year.

        lemon drop.
        early jalape�o
        pretty in purple
        ring of fire
        joe's long.
        jays peach ghost scorpion.
        Thai dragon
        holy mole.
        Hungarian black
        Hungarian hot wax
        scotch bonnet
        scotch bonnet yellow
        Vietnamese tear jerker.
        black naga.
        Kashmiri mirch (daily used in India)
        Krishna jolokia (ripens black to red)
        Dorset naga
        rooster spur
        fatalii jigsaw
        numex twilight
        chiang rai (big Thai )
        Delhi hot
        basket of fire
        cherry bomb

        This is just seed list. There is a fairly high chance one or two plants will be brought as well.

        I'm also trying to over winter Simon (Dorset naga), tree chilli, chocolate habanero, filius blue and ghost.
        All my super hot varieties were sown in November and are currently sat under grow lights with a bit of heat from the propagator under them.
        The heated propagator will be getting stolen from them between Christmas and new year for my next lot of sowing. Which will be another 5 varieties.


        • #5
          I think mine will be something like this:

          Overwintered Trepadeira Werner & a mystery chilli (Rob Smith's seeds)
          Aji Omnicolour
          Bishop's Hat
          Black Naga
          Bulgarian Carrot
          Burkina Yellow
          Nigel's Outdoor
          Pasilla Bajio
          Pinocchio's Nose
          Purple Jalapeno
          Serrano Tampiqueno

          Plus Facing Heaven if I can ever find a proper supply.
          Last edited by sparrow100; 01-01-2017, 03:16 PM. Reason: adding to it...
 - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


          • #6
            Wow all your grow lists are long!!!

            Mine is tiny

            Red cherry
            Hungarian Hot Wax

            The above started in November under grow lights with the HHW behind his buddies and have only started st show a few specks!

            Golden bell
            Antohi Romania

            Still in packets and yes I know they are peppers and not chilis!

            And finally
            Another jalape�o pruned to early but doing nicely and little shoots seem to be coming through.

            Pictures will follow in due course!!


            • #7
              You all have varieties I've never even heard of!

              My "attempt" list - I don't think I dare call it a grow list until about 6 months' hence when I see which have successfully germinated and grown. In most cases I'll only have one plant of each variety. Most will be grown in Chilligrows on south-facing windows and the rest will have to be risked outdoors. I think this is probably too ambitious for my level of expertise and, to be honest, commitment. At the moment it's a complete obsession with me but my interests do tend to wax and wane, so a few months down the line I might get bored and neglect them. I hope not.

              Gusto Purple
              Red hab / scots bonnet (not sure what it is; was sold as scots bonnet but shape looks wrong)
              Paper Lantern (might chuck this if remaining fruits are tasteless)
              Bushy red chilli (may be Superchili F1) - haven't yet had the heart to chuck this; the mildew (if such it was) doesn't seem to be affecting the newer leaves; will see how it does.

              Carolina Reaper
              Chocolate Habanero
              Bhut Jolokia
              Scots Bonnet MoA yellow
              Purple Peach
              Bahamian Goat
              Aji Omnicolor
              Sugar Rush peach
              Aji Pineapple
              Aji Melocoton
              Peter pepper
              Golden Cayenne
              Filius Blue
              Numex Twilight
              Last edited by Mitzi; 03-01-2017, 08:04 PM. Reason: Added Bahamian Goat


              • #8
                Still haven't decided on mine yet.. You lot are making me think about sowing a couple before January...
                I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                ...utterly nutterly


                • #9
                  Scarlet, you said you want photos, so here is my current set up

                  Garland 7 windowsill heated propagator with IKEA growlight. To the left of the propagator pods you can see the plastic bags holding the chinense seeds. At the far left you can just see the clear plastic box with black lid which holds the remaining Peter pepper seeds (in tissue inside.) Soon the growlight won't be enough so I'm thinking of getting a T5 HO or two.


                  • #10
                    fantastic set up mitzi and i like the flower on the plant just too the right aswell,cheers
                    The Dude abides.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by the big lebowski View Post
                      fantastic set up mitzi and i like the flower on the plant just too the right aswell,cheers
                      Thanks! The amaryllis is a single-flowered red and white one, according to the label. It's just opened today and it's a double-flowered white one, which is far more beautiful (to my eyes, anyway) than what it's supposed to be. It's opened even more since I took the photo and looks almost like a waterlily flower.


                      • #12
                        Goronong yellow- these will be for the seed swap next year
                        hungarian hot wax -because they took so long to grow.
                        the XXX,s just to see if i can
                        and old cayenne who 5 years old and still doing good..
                        Last edited by Ms-T; 18-12-2016, 01:26 PM.


                        • #13
                          hi all ,im going to try and grow

                          cherry bomb
                          long slim cayenne
                          peruvian purple
                          prairie fire
                          orange hab
                          hungarian hot wax

                          and i think i have some lemon drop and scotch bonnet seeds that i`ll try too ,cheers
                          The Dude abides.


                          • #14
                            Keeping it pretty simple so far

                            Cayenne, ring of fire and something called "Nigels outdoor chilli"( real seeds ) for making powder and flakes.
                            Red Habanero and Lemmon drop for chutneys and sauces etc...

                            Red Manzano for hopefully stuffing( satans kiss a right let down last season, plenty of ripe fruit bur golf ball size my asterix)
                            Will have to sow Manzano earlier this season, had cracking sized fruits but failed to ripen, i knew at the time i had sown to late.

                            Looking for one variety of super hot , the black naga ( thanks scarlet) from last season was soo tasty ( though darned hot lol) that im thinking about trying that again, lost the one i was trying to overwinter and i may just leave it at that for this year.

                            OOPS forgot about my jalapenos for pickling
                            and i forgot about these, Red Basque Chilli ( real seeds)
                            Last edited by jackarmy; 19-12-2016, 07:17 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jackarmy View Post
                              Red Manzano for hopefully stuffing( satans kiss a right let down last season, plenty of ripe fruit bur golf ball size my asterix)
                              My thoughts too!
                     - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


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