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Contaminated manure problems


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  • Contaminated manure problems

    Almost half of my main crop potatoes and pretty much all my new potatoes are affected in varying degrees from what I think is potato leaf curl.

    My seed potatoes came from several different sources, i.e: Wilkos(mains) & Garden Centre(earlies).

    The worst affected are a pretty pathetic sight, all curled up and spindly.

    Does anyone know where the problem lies, is it dodgy seed spuds, in the soil, in the air???

    If anyone can tell me what the best thing I should do is I would be very grateful.

    As you can imagine I'm completely miffed as everyone elses on the allotment site seem fine

  • #2
    Can you get some photos of them Phill? We have a resident potato expert (tattieman) who may be able to help you out

    Also, is there any chance that you have used manure contaminated with Aminopyralid on your plot, that the other plotholders haven't used?
    Have a look at the RHS info on damage by contaminated manure
    Last edited by SarzWix; 28-05-2009, 07:18 PM.


    • #3
      Yikes..that sounds similar to what our neighbour had..and what Sarzwix has suggested

      We were told the manure would be fine after one year...then we were told 2 yrs

      Hope it's not that..if it is- you need to speak with the farmer who provided the muck.

      Here are some piccies...
      Last edited by Nicos; 28-05-2009, 07:25 PM.
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        I've found a link with photos of affected potato plants, see if it looks anything like yours. Contaminated Manure Aminopyralid Update | Allotment Growing Diary Plus


        • #5
          I had a man came to visit me today with the same problem and i would say it is contaminated manure. The fact that you have purchased potatoes from different sources and they are all the same make me think it is related to the area they are growing in.
          Potato videos here.


          • #6
            If I remember correctly, most outbreaks of potato leaf curl (or roll) are from infected aphids which I would expect to infect your neighbour's plots as well. Seed potato could be the problem but not if you bought from two sources.

            So that really leaves a soil problem.

            You can check this using tomato seed. Sow some seeds into the suspect ground and also some more into a large-ish pot with known good compost. Grow them both next to each other. At this time of year you will know within a few weeks if the tomato plants are growing correctly.

            If the soil tomato plants are infected but not the container then your soil is suspect. If both are then it is air-bourne.
            The proof of the growing is in the eating.
            Leave Rotten Fruit.
            Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium - potash.
            Autant de t�tes, autant d'avis!!!!!
            Il n'est si m�chant pot qui ne trouve son couvercle.


            • #7
              Sarzwix & Nicos...Thanks very much for the info.

              You've nailed it, the pics are EXACTLY the same as my potatoes.

              The scary thing is that I didn't apply any manure to my plot this year, it can only be residual from last years application.

              Actually, now I remember I did scatter some organic chicken manure pellets in the trench at planting time...Could this be contaminated?


              • #8
                My lottie neighbour was told to not use the contaminated soil this year - nor the manure until at least next year....or 2011
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #9
                  I haven't heard of chicken manure pellets being contaminated? But I had one bed with the dodgy stuff on last year and it appears to be ok this year. I guess it's about 14/15 months since I put it on though.
                  Do you have any beds that you didn't put the manure on? If you put it on all of them, then you need to be careful what else you plant out - tomatoes, peas and beans are affected by it too, and i think lettuces.


                  • #10
                    I've just quickly read some info relating to the chemical contamination within the manure. This is very scary stuff. My allotment is to be used to feed my children with veg that is meant to be healthier than itensively farmed produce.

                    I'm completely devestated...It appears that I've unwittingly poisoned my plot and EVERYTHING that is growig on it.

                    I just don't know what to do...Is the rest of the stuff safe to eat?


                    • #11
                      The government's Pesticide Safety people have done a lot of tests since this all came out last year, and have announced that the produce is safe to eat. I'm just trying to think what might help you a bit this year... Apparently, the active stuff in the aminopyralid is broken down by soil micro-organisms, so if you can increase them it should help the stuff to break down, and also help your plants. Maybe spread some of your homemade compost out, or where you're doing new planting, plant into a pocket of multipurpose compost or brought in 'clean' topsoil. Might also be worth buying some worms from Wiggly Wigglers or a local tackle shop to help out your native population in eating through the manure?

                      Have a look here too; Both of the Seasol products, but especially the 'Power Feed' could help to get nutrients into your plants through foliar feeding, and might help the soil a bit too. Unfortunately, their delivery costs are a bit steep, but the other place I used to get it has stopped selling it. You can get the seaweed foliar feed from lots of places though.
                      Last edited by SarzWix; 28-05-2009, 09:36 PM.


                      • #12
                        Contaminated manure causing fern like tomato leaves

                        Everyone must have read about the terrible problem about some manures being contaminated?

                        It causes the leaves of plants like tomatoes and potatoes to curl like a fern or cupped leaves, and means your manure (or manure compost bought from a garden centre in my case) is contaminated with a chemical weedkiller.
                        The veg and fruit may not be safe to eat from these plants.

                        There is alot of chat online about it, and there is a petition against the use of the chemical in question at the governement's website.

                        I am just about to throw away some of my tomato plants (can't compost them) and repot others to try and get rid of the contaminated manure compost I've used.

                        Anyone else very worried about this problem?
                        Last edited by Mushroom; 29-05-2009, 12:41 PM.


                        • #13
                          This came up last year, it was all the news...
                          It's been beentemporarily banned, but Garden Center compost/manure can be contaminated, as you've found out.
                          Your best bet is to get manure form an organic farm if you can.


                          • #14
                            is there a picture of what the leaves look like to help people identify this?


                            • #15
                              Don't know if there any on this site, but there are some here
                              Contaminated Manure Aminopyralid Update | Allotment Growing Diary Plus

                              if that's allowed...


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