So, earlier in the year as some of my stored garlic began to sprout, I split it and stuck it in the ground or buckets or whatever I could find..
I have now ended up with a nice harvest of Garlic rounds, which I will plant in October and hopefully get some bulbs with a few cloves on them next June/July. I am then going to isolate these from my normal garlic plantings, and replant all the cloves from these rounds in October 2015. Results (if any!) to be observed versus normal saved cloves plantings....Can someone remind me to update the thread in July 2016 please
I have now ended up with a nice harvest of Garlic rounds, which I will plant in October and hopefully get some bulbs with a few cloves on them next June/July. I am then going to isolate these from my normal garlic plantings, and replant all the cloves from these rounds in October 2015. Results (if any!) to be observed versus normal saved cloves plantings....Can someone remind me to update the thread in July 2016 please
