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Potato Yield Survey


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  • Potato Yield Survey

    Let's have a listing of what yield you get from your potatoes (it will give me and others an idea of what to grow next year!!)....

    Please state
    1/ Variety
    2/ Grown in container or open ground
    3/ What compost
    4/ What feed/fertiliser
    5/ How many seed potatoes
    6/ How many weeks from planting to harvest
    7/ Weight of potatoes obtained.
    8/ Size of potatoes (all new potato size or all larger or a mixture of sizes)

    I'll start...

    1/ Accent
    2/ B&Q buckets
    3/ Multi-purpose compost
    4/ Tomato feed once a week for last 5 weeks
    5/ 2 seed potatoes per bucket
    6/ 16 weeks from planting to harvest (we've not been eating potatoes much recently so this is longer than normal)
    7/ 6 buckets harvested with 1.1kg of potatoes in each bucket
    8/ Mainly large sized potatoes

    1/ Dunluce
    2/ B&Q buckets
    3/ Multi-purpose compost
    4/ Tomato feed once a week for last 5 weeks
    5/ 2 seed potatoes per bucket
    6/ 16 weeks from planting to harvest (we've not been eating potatoes much recently so this is longer than normal)
    7/ 1 bucket harvested with 0.9kg of potatoes
    8/ Mixture of large and small sizes

    Note - I harvested another bucket of Dunluce earlier at 12 weeks and only had 330g of potatoes so left them for longer. The first bucket had some potatoes at new potato size but quite a few tidlers. The second bucket has a better yield but some potatoes are quite large.

    Note 2 - the potatoes could have been harvested earlier and they would have been smaller than the ones I have got which are quite large (ie not new potato size).
    The proof of the growing is in the eating.
    Leave Rotten Fruit.
    Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium - potash.
    Autant de t�tes, autant d'avis!!!!!
    Il n'est si m�chant pot qui ne trouve son couvercle.

  • #2
    I'd join in, but, I have no idea what weight of potatoes I've achieved, because I don't weigh 'em...


    • #3
      Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
      I'd join in, but, I have no idea what weight of potatoes I've achieved, because I don't weigh 'em...
      i'd join in but i've not got any yet


      • #4
        I got 1.5 kilos of some kind of 2nd early a couple of days ago. Didn't count the weeks and don't know the variety though as they were donated by a friend and he can't remember either.
        Grown in growbag compost in a tub. No additional feeding. size ranged from small to reasonably large.


        • #5
          1 Red Duke of York (First Early)
          2 Grown in open ground on allotment, in a bed 8' by 5'
          3 FYM put on bed before planting
          4 Topdressed with potash twice
          5 10 seed spuds
          6 Supposed to be 10 weeks, but left for 14 as we were still eating other type of First Early
          7 55lb+
          8 Mainly largish size, a few early sized, firm spud with lovely firm red skins!

          Very tasty and used for boiling (not too long or fall apart), chipping (very good, especially if left with skins on for 'hunter' style chips!) and roasting!
          Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

          'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

          The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
          Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
          Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
          On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


          • #6
            I got 5 lbs of Charlottes from 3 seed potatoes grown in gro-sac in MPC. Never thought of feeding them, it's my first year.
            Mad Old Bat With Attitude.

            I tried jogging, but I couldn't keep the ice in my glass.


            • #7
              I have grown red duke of York (1st early), in bag and pots

              Smile (2nd early) ditto

              Belle de fontenay (maincrop) ditto

              Pink Fir Apple in pot

              I;ve had good yields from all, no idea how much as I just firtle around for what i want and then tip out bucket at end of cropping. Enough to feed 3 or 4 people at least times from each crop though.

              No feed just water and MPC

              Earlies are finished now and I;ve had about a kilo of the belle de fontenay from bag so far.
              Last edited by hamsterqueen; 01-08-2009, 02:22 PM.


              • #8
                This will be a useful one to resurrect early next year when peeps can record the details. Make a 'full (growing season) year' project/data gathering exercise of it. Not just for spuds either.

                Unless primed to do so many will have forgotten some of the details of this years' bits.

                Always useful to record yields/growing conditions etc for the benefit of self and others.

                Remember to bump up post in jan/feb time when people are buying their seed pots Teak.

                Whilst I'm out of the growing from seed project this year due to loss of seedlings eaten by fox/badger/mouse - keep your eyes peeled for yield results which should be coming quite soon. From what Duronal has posted before I think many of you will be quite surprised as to how much you can get via the true seed route.
                Last edited by quark1; 01-08-2009, 02:45 PM.


                • #9
                  1/ Variety = kestrel 2nd early
                  2/ Grown in container or open ground = open ground
                  3/ What compost = well manured in january
                  4/ What feed/fertiliser = see above
                  5/ How many seed potatoes = one every 16" rows 2' apart
                  6/ How many weeks from planting to harvest = approx 12 weeks
                  7/ Weight of potatoes obtained.= averaging 6lb per plant so far
                  8/ Size of potatoes (all new potato size or all larger or a mixture of sizes) mostly large not quite baker size though
                  a very tasty and reliable cropper,i grow it every year

                  1/ Variety = international kidney 1st early
                  2/ Grown in container or open ground = open ground
                  3/ What compost = well manured in january
                  4/ What feed/fertiliser = see above
                  5/ How many seed potatoes = 12" apart 2' between rows
                  6/ How many weeks from planting to harvest aprox 10 weeks
                  7/ Weight of potatoes obtained.= averaged around 5 lb per plant

                  1/ Variety = swift
                  2/ Grown in container or open ground = 17 ltr poly pots
                  3/ What compost b&q multipurpose
                  4/ What feed/fertiliser = bat guano
                  5/ How many seed potatoes = 2 per bag
                  6/ How many weeks from planting to harvest = 8 weeks
                  7/ Weight of potatoes obtained.= averaged 3 lb per bag
                  8/ Size of potatoes (all new potato size or all larger or a mixture of sizes) = small new pots(hen egg size)

                  1/ Variety = sarpo mira
                  2/ Grown in container or open ground = open ground
                  3/ What compost = well manured in january
                  4/ What feed/fertiliser = see above
                  5/ How many seed potatoes = still in ground!
                  6/ How many weeks from planting to harvest 12 weeks so far and counting!
                  hope this helps!!
                  7/ Weight of potatoes obtained.
                  8/ Size of potatoes (all new potato size or all larger or a mixture of sizes)
                  Last edited by eye1der; 01-08-2009, 04:01 PM.


                  • #10
                    1/ Variety - Maris Peer(Maincrop)
                    2/ Grown in container or open ground - Open Ground
                    3/ What compost - None
                    4/ What feed/fertiliser - Bit of chicken poo when I remembered
                    5/ How many seed potatoes - 10 ish
                    6/ How many weeks from planting to harvest - 4-5 months
                    7/ Weight of potatoes obtained. - 25-30Kgs (filled more than a big spud sack)
                    8/ Size of potatoes (all new potato size or all larger or a mixture of sizes) - Med>large


                    • #11
                      1. Variety = Lady Christl
                      2. Grown in a) Compost bag and b) in open ground
                      3. a) multi-purpose compost and b) with home made compost added
                      4. a) and b) Vitax Q4
                      5. a) 3 in bag and b) just dug last 3 plants to compare
                      6. Both lots planted on 25th March
                      7. a) a pathetic 2lbs 4ozs and b) 10lbs 2 ozs
                      8. a) generous size and small and b) Left them quite a long time, so some huge baking size down to miniscule!

                      Good and sunny back in May and June, but raining most days through July, cut the tops off the open ground plants 2 weeks ago with blight, potatoes don't seem to be affected.
                      Life is too short for drama & petty things!
                      So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


                      • #12
                        Top marks for your enthusiasm,but I don't have a clue when I planted or what amount I've harvested,I can tell you that up to now those I've eaten are pretty tasteless.Anya were very dissapointing,not a patch on the Pink Fir Apples,and the Moulin Rouge weren't much better.PFA's should be ready fairly soon and they produce a fairly poor crop of small knobbly spuds,but I've yet to taste a tattie any better.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by burnie View Post
                          .PFA's should be ready fairly soon and they produce a fairly poor crop of small knobbly spuds,but I've yet to taste a tattie any better.
                          I agree, PFA taste wonderful. Though I have to admit, smile were fairly good


                          • #14
                            I. Maris Peer
                            2. Lottie open ground
                            3. Manured last winter
                            4. Chicken pellet Manure feed
                            5. Not sure about weight approx 40lb from approx 20 seed potatoes ( cant remember )
                            6. Some very large potatoes amoung them.

                            1. Penteland Javeline
                            2. Lottie open ground
                            3. Manured last winter
                            4. Chicken pellet manure feed
                            5. Again not sure about weigh but approx 40lb.
                            Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                            and ends with backache


                            • #15
                              finished lifting the kestrel yesterday ended up with 2 large bags so about 50 kg from 12' x 6' raised bed, some woppers too! very pleased with the results.
                              just remembered i have some heritage spuds too in an old hydroponic tank 'mayan queen'
                              i think they were, pretty red seed with white eyes, still in so will wait n see


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