Hello, I'm new here and just looking for some advice please
I have a space in my front porch where I usually grow cucumbers or tomatoes. This year the person who helps out with watering has been taken ill, so I am looking at options with inbuilt resevoirs for when I am away.
At first the quadgrow looked ideal but it is too long for the porch. Then I thought of growing tomatoes in the chilligrow with bigger pots, but could they be too close together? I am growing Sungold so cordon tomatoes and was considering a cucumber as well.
The final idea is to have a Hozelock 'self-watering' growbag tray. This is the right size but has a much smaller resevoir of water. It has a 15 litre resevoir for 2 or three plants, whereas the chilligrow has 7 litres expandable with a 25 litre kit, which I could also adapt to hold even more water. On the other hand it seems like there would be more soil available for the plants in a deep growbag. Another consideration is that I might have to move all the plants to bring some furniture through and don't know if that is even possible with a growbag. When I have used black plastic buckets in the past, I was able to move them when absolutely necessary.
Also, the porch is glass and south facing so acts like a greenhouse on the hottest days.
So I just don't know what to do for the best, if anyone has any advice or has used any of these products, especially inside, and has any recommendations I would be grateful as I need to move my plants of the sill. The wind has blown my best tomato plant off the sill yesterday and snapped the stem though

At first the quadgrow looked ideal but it is too long for the porch. Then I thought of growing tomatoes in the chilligrow with bigger pots, but could they be too close together? I am growing Sungold so cordon tomatoes and was considering a cucumber as well.
The final idea is to have a Hozelock 'self-watering' growbag tray. This is the right size but has a much smaller resevoir of water. It has a 15 litre resevoir for 2 or three plants, whereas the chilligrow has 7 litres expandable with a 25 litre kit, which I could also adapt to hold even more water. On the other hand it seems like there would be more soil available for the plants in a deep growbag. Another consideration is that I might have to move all the plants to bring some furniture through and don't know if that is even possible with a growbag. When I have used black plastic buckets in the past, I was able to move them when absolutely necessary.
Also, the porch is glass and south facing so acts like a greenhouse on the hottest days.
So I just don't know what to do for the best, if anyone has any advice or has used any of these products, especially inside, and has any recommendations I would be grateful as I need to move my plants of the sill. The wind has blown my best tomato plant off the sill yesterday and snapped the stem though
