Hi all!
I�m fairly sure I put this same link somewhere on the Vine last year!
I thought as it is now more than time to start to think about what to put where and perhaps what to put with what
I thought I would put this link up again to refresh peeps or introduce some of the newbie�s to Companion Planting. 
To me It looks like a fun way to grow things and if one plant will benefit another then I�m all for it! I already have a few plans in my head what I�m going to plant with what!
wishing you all a bountifull trouble free growing season!
Companion Planting
I�m fairly sure I put this same link somewhere on the Vine last year!
I thought as it is now more than time to start to think about what to put where and perhaps what to put with what

To me It looks like a fun way to grow things and if one plant will benefit another then I�m all for it! I already have a few plans in my head what I�m going to plant with what!

wishing you all a bountifull trouble free growing season!
Companion Planting