it has been left to grow as it please, we dig it out as it comes over, but we are fighting a losing battle!
We are having a fedge put in, but I don't want it to be swamped by ivy.
The house next door is vacant at the moment and wont have anyone living there for a couple of weeks, it is a local authority house.
What can I do, besides digging it out? (I've got enough of my own to do!)
Could I paint weed killer on the leaves?
I'd really like to enjoy my fedge without seeing the dreaded Ivy creeping through! I've got it on the other side of my garden from the neighbours which we leave for the birds
We are having a fedge put in, but I don't want it to be swamped by ivy.
The house next door is vacant at the moment and wont have anyone living there for a couple of weeks, it is a local authority house.
What can I do, besides digging it out? (I've got enough of my own to do!)
Could I paint weed killer on the leaves?
I'd really like to enjoy my fedge without seeing the dreaded Ivy creeping through! I've got it on the other side of my garden from the neighbours which we leave for the birds
