
4 Ways To Encourage Bees To Your Plot

By Emily Peagram
29th May 2015

Bees are one of nature’s most crucial elements of the food chain. These busy insects constantly travel from one flower to another in the warmer months and are responsible for the pollination of 75 per cent of our main food crops, including apples, tomatoes and strawberries. Sadly, there has been an alarming decline in their numbers, and this could have a huge impact on the way we live if we don’t take action. Here’s what you can do to encourage bees to your plot and give them a helping hand.

1. Build a bee hotel - This environment will providing a great nesting site for solitary bees. Simply drill holes around 2 to 10mm wide in logs for the perfect environment, or find a box that has one open side and fill it with bamboo canes – using branches with various widths will encourage different species. 

2. Plant bee-friendly flowers - Not only will you be rewarded with a beautifully decorated garden, but planting flowers that bees love will keep them coming back to your plot and pollinating your crops throughout the season. Try varieties such as lavender, sweet pea and hyssop, and make sure to grow them in a concentrated area to attract these insects with their colour and scent. If you want the best of both worlds, why not grow herbs such as thyme, chives and rosemary for a beautiful, yet edible plant that bees will visit regularly.

3. Become a bee keeper - This will provide you with your own supply of delicious honey, and you’ll have an army of busy pollinators eager to help your plants. If you’re interested in taking up this hobby, it’s best to take part in educational courses to gain a firm understanding of bees and their needs first. The British Beekeepers Association will be able to provide you with more information – visit

4. Reduce your use of pesticides - These harmful sprays won’t just keep pests away, but they’ll also deter helpful bees. Always use these products sparingly, and make sure you don’t spray them on open flowers where these insects are likely to come into contact with the plant.

Friends of the Earth is campaigning to save British bees from extinction. For just £15 you can donate to this fantastic cause and receive a bee saver kit that includes wild flower seeds and a guide on how to identify and assist these pollinators through their hectic life cycle. To find out more, visit

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