
How to save bees this summer

By George Storr
13th August 2021

Pollinators are absolutely crucial to a healthy, functional eco-system. They pollinate our plants, encouraging new growth and the new life. However, they’re under threat in the UK - so what can we do about it?

Since 1900, the UK has lost 13 species of bee and a further 35 are considered under threat of extinction. Which is why the flower experts at Flowercard have revealed the best flowers for their survival, as well as 5 expert tips on how we can protect the vulnerable species.

To help kickstart bumblebees’ revival, the experts at Flowercard have revealed the best bee-friendly flowers you can plant in your garden, as well as the time of year in which they flower:

Spring: Snowdrops, California Lilac, Crocus, Dicentra and Pieris
Summer: Geraniums, Lavender, Wild Strawberries, Foxgloves and Monkshood
Autumn:  Sunflowers, Cosmos, Honeysuckle, Verbena and Ground Ivy

Five top tips on how you can help save the bees

Grow your own herbs: Instead of buying packs of fresh herbs from the supermarket try growing your own.

Natural Gardens: The way forward is wild hedges and trees. In addition to flowers, these environments are very bumblebee-friendly and will help them thrive.

Avoid using chemicals: A big killer of bumblebees is the destruction of habitat and the spraying of chemical pesticides and other substances which poison them.

Educate yourself: Awareness of bumblebees, the immense struggle they are facing - and what you can do to help them - is key to saving the species.

Revive a ‘dying’ bumblebee: To revive the bee, mix two tablespoons of white sugar with one tablespoon of water, place the bee on this spoon and hopefully, it’ll gather enough energy to return to the hive and recover fully.

Liam Lapping from Flowercard advises what you should do if you’re stung by a bumblebee:

“Bee stings can usually be treated quickly and easily at home. To help alleviate the panic of getting stung by a bee it’s important to know what to do. If you do happen to get stung, the recommended plan of action is to remain calm and walk away from the area. Then work on removing the sting from your skin, you should try and scrape it out to prevent the release of venom. Once the sting is removed, wash the area with soap and water and apply a cold compress, such as an ice pack for at least 10 minutes for mild relief. You should also avoid scratching the area, as this helps reduce the risk of infection.”

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