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New Allotment - The Shire


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  • New Allotment - The Shire

    Morning Folks

    Following on from my thread below all being well I'll pay my first "proper" visit to the plot today.

    All I intend to do today is a proper measure up, check the state of the shed and greenhouse, see what's buried beneath, and a general nose around.

    I have a few newbie questions please:-)

    - Should you burn, compost, or dump weeds?

    - My understanding is my bokashi contents can go into the compost bins as a layer?

    - Someone told me where I can apparently get an endless supply of manure, am I right in saying I should let this rot down for a year?

    - I�m curious as to the percentage of crops people sow direct "v" transplants(For now I have sown loads of stuff at home so will transplant as and when I clear space on the plot)?


  • #2
    Hi Danny, Good luck with the plot. I drown weeds in a container then after a few months put on the compost heap. I don't do bokashi so can't advise. Yes rot manure down for a year if you can. I sow most crops in modules and then transplant to prevent slugs taking them when just emerging. I sow directly carrots and parsnips(after chitting) and do a bit of both for peas.
    Last edited by mcdood; 06-06-2019, 07:10 AM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by broadway View Post
      Morning Folks

      Following on from my thread below all being well I'll pay my first "proper" visit to the plot today.

      All I intend to do today is a proper measure up, check the state of the shed and greenhouse, see what's buried beneath, and a general nose around.

      I have a few newbie questions please:-)

      - Should you burn, compost, or dump weeds?

      - My understanding is my bokashi contents can go into the compost bins as a layer?

      - Someone told me where I can apparently get an endless supply of manure, am I right in saying I should let this rot down for a year?

      - I’m curious as to the percentage of crops people sow direct "v" transplants(For now I have sown loads of stuff at home so will transplant as and when I clear space on the plot)?
      - Should you burn, compost, or dump weeds?

      Weeds differ - I wouldn't burn or dump anything, but in a lot of cases eg nettles or bindweed you need to dry them out or drown them first, as trying to compost them straight will just lead to lots of weed roots in your compost - personally I put them to one side to dry out completely as I find that easiest

      - My understanding is my bokashi contents can go into the compost bins as a layer?
      no idea

      - Someone told me where I can apparently get an endless supply of manure, am I right in saying I should let this rot down for a year?

      Not really necessary - well rotted manure is the ideal because you can use it anywhere but you can use fresh manure directly too most of the time, if in doubt just ask when you have a situation you are unsure about - a bit of common-sense goes a long way, so sticking fresh manure on top of your lettuces would be a bad move.

      - I’m curious as to the percentage of crops people sow direct "v" transplants(For now I have sown loads of stuff at home so will transplant as and when I clear space on the plot)?

      I transplant most veg after growing it in containers - mainly due to helping prevent losses from slugs etc to young seedlings - if I was planning to sow direct I'd still chit the seed for a few days first, as it cost nothing and helps get things started under controlled conditions.


      • #4
        Originally posted by broadway View Post
        Morning Folks

        Following on from my thread below all being well I'll pay my first "proper" visit to the plot today.

        All I intend to do today is a proper measure up, check the state of the shed and greenhouse, see what's buried beneath, and a general nose around.
        Take lots of photos as you know how nosey VC and Scarlet are.
        They'll also help you look back and see how far you've come.

        I have a few newbie questions please:-)

        - Should you burn, compost, or dump weeds?
        I either compost them or put them on the bed as a mulch. Bindweed roots are allowed to dry out and die first by laying them out in the sun - alternatively you can put the persistent weed roots (e.g. dock, bindweed) in a bucket of water, cover and let them rot down to give a liquid plant tonic.

        - My understanding is my bokashi contents can go into the compost bins as a layer?
        Yep. Depending on what you've put into the bokashi bin it's probably a good mix or nitrogen and carbon already, but I often add some cardboard or shredded prunings just because it's so wet. As an alternative you can bury it then after a while plant/sow above it. My giant pumpkin last year was sown directly over the buried bokashi and by the time it's roots got down to it the bokashi had started to compost down giving the plant a big boost.

        - Someone told me where I can apparently get an endless supply of manure, am I right in saying I should let this rot down for a year?
        Yes you should. I didn't but you should. Last year I got a large pile in July/August and made sure that it was turned a couple of times so that it got hot to kill off the bad bacteria and seeds. It was then left over winter and went into the squash, potato and corn beds this season.

        - I�m curious as to the percentage of crops people sow direct "v" transplants(For now I have sown loads of stuff at home so will transplant as and when I clear space on the plot)?
        Started most off in modules this year. Last year didn't start any.

        New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

        �I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
        ― Thomas A. Edison

        �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
        ― Thomas A. Edison

        - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


        • #5

          Went in and had a quick look, the reason I�m being hesitant is I�m waiting the final ok, should get that today or tomorrow hopefully.

          The greenhouse looks ok but no glass. The shed seems sturdy, one broken window but can fix that. Also has a butt connected which is great I�ll just connect my others to it.

          Had a quick walk over the weeds, couldn�t see any RB�s just bits of crap here and there.

          Measured it up, circa 240 square metres of weeds 樂

          A few pictures:-
          Attached Files



          • #6
            Hope you get the OK, the shed and GH look good and the "weeds" may be hiding some fruit bushes/rhubarb.
            ..........and your photos are the right way up when clicked on!!


            • #7
              Hi VC

              Yes I tested that, not sure why they are upsidedown on the preview:-)



              • #8
                Thanks for the advice mcdood / nickdub / Jay-ell



                • #9
                  Update 2

                  Ok I have it, one quandary, it�s privately owned as are all the others. So in theory they could take it back whenever.

                  My wife spoke to the lady and it was there Dad�s and has not been used for a couple of years. They kept the allotment purely in case someone wanted to develop the land.

                  So although it�s a risk it�s a risk I�m willing to take, it will keep me fit, keep me out of the pub, and give me the dream I�ve always wanted. (Am I doing the right thing?)

                  We also mentioned buying it from the lady, she wasn�t averse to this so we will try and get it valued (anyone know anything about this?)

                  Oh and lastly, I don�t have to pay any rent.

                  Thanks as always



                  • #10
                    Wow!...sounds brill!
                    Do try and buy it if you can! just make sure you have access to the plot included

                    Not sure about valuation, but there must be some local estate agent who sells land for development/agricultural use who would be prepared to give you an idea of max/min price????
                    Might be worth checking if the land is greenbelt as I imagine that would lower its potential value?
                    Last edited by Nicos; 06-06-2019, 01:39 PM.
                    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                    Location....Normandy France


                    • #11
                      The only sensible way I can see to value an allotment is to try to find other examples which have been sold in the past - may be an Internet search would turn something up ?


                      • #12
                        First day at the plot today, went at 7.30 back home now after 4hrs, knackered!

                        Didn't feel as though we achieved much however my Fitbit tells me I've done 11k steps and covered 8.2 km's

                        I didn't achieve everything I wanted as fatigue set in! I cleared a section at the bottom and dumped all the weeds bramble etc, this was about 2 metres x 6 (width of the plot). Shall I just leave them uncovered to dry out?

                        Started clearing the top from the fence to the shed, this is about 75% complete. In the process we found a slabbed path and the gate to the plot!

                        Looking at the plot in more detail the middle doesn't look as bad as the top and bottom

                        I'd like to take this opportunity to praise all you folks out there that have allotments, I've read various threads but it's not until you start on one yourself you realise what all you folks have achieved

                        Lastly, my wife was talking to someone she knows and apparently they were offered 9k for their plot!
                        Attached Files



                        • #13
                          well done Danny - getting stuck in is the main first hurdle

                          I wouldn't stress too much with the details, go with what seems sensible to you.

                          Happy gardening :-)


                          • #14
                            Well done there. If you leave the soil uncovered the weed seeds that you've just brought up to the surface will germinate.

                            That's fine, come back in a couple of days and hoe them off. Repeat that a couple of times to reduce weed pressure then you can sow your seeds or get plugs and plant them out.

                            Don't think that you haven't achieved much, focus on what you have achieved rather than on what needs to be done - that way you can keep your spirits and motivation up.

                            New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

                            �I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
                            ― Thomas A. Edison

                            �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
                            ― Thomas A. Edison

                            - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


                            • #15
                              It’s a Marathon not a Sprint... and thats good work so far.


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