And-back by popular demand.....
( for those of you interested in looking back over some of the previous years fun- grab a cuppa and settle in
- everyone welcome to join in!!!!!

As lunchtime approached, Bearded Bloke,Potstubsdustbins and Chris started packing away their paint pots and drills.
"Ahhh..." sighed BB, smiling at their morning's work.
The shutters of the Gardeners Rest were looking superb.
"Good bit of team work there lads" said tubs " Come on, I think we deserve a pint don't you?"
The village pub did indeed look inviting, nestled as it was in the valley next to the village green and duck pond.
Mikeywills and Bigmallly looked up as they entered.....
( for those of you interested in looking back over some of the previous years fun- grab a cuppa and settle in
- everyone welcome to join in!!!!!

As lunchtime approached, Bearded Bloke,Potstubsdustbins and Chris started packing away their paint pots and drills.
"Ahhh..." sighed BB, smiling at their morning's work.
The shutters of the Gardeners Rest were looking superb.
"Good bit of team work there lads" said tubs " Come on, I think we deserve a pint don't you?"
The village pub did indeed look inviting, nestled as it was in the valley next to the village green and duck pond.
Mikeywills and Bigmallly looked up as they entered.....