I've not grown dahlias before but we now have some extra space and myself and my plot neighbour are going to grow some this year at the allotment. Apart from perennials at home I've not much experience with flower gardening 
I understand about dividing the tubers and I've read up on propagating from cuttings which is something that appeals but my question is, if I start my tubers off now with a view to taking cuttings is it still viable to divide the tubers after I have all the cuttings I need and will these tubers produce?
I've tried the search function which throws up a huge amount of posts about them but none that I can find answers this question.
Thanks all

I understand about dividing the tubers and I've read up on propagating from cuttings which is something that appeals but my question is, if I start my tubers off now with a view to taking cuttings is it still viable to divide the tubers after I have all the cuttings I need and will these tubers produce?
I've tried the search function which throws up a huge amount of posts about them but none that I can find answers this question.
Thanks all