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Grow 20 Different Flowers from seed in 2020


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  • Grow 20 Different Flowers from seed in 2020

    Can you grow 20 types of flowers from seed this year?
    Show us your list

    20 different poppies counts as 1
    20 different sweetpeas counts as 1

    You get the idea

    Maybe show us some photos of your flowers later in the year, just to prove that you've done it.

    There's another thread on the Veg Board for 20 Vegetables from seed.
    Last edited by veggiechicken; 01-01-2020, 06:59 PM.

  • #2
    Can I include hardy annual seeds sown in the Autumn for planting out early this year? I often do two showings for a longer flowering period.

    Black Ball Cornflower
    Click image for larger version

Name:	B60DB8B0-F10E-4BFC-96A9-0A6D0B3858EB.jpeg
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Size:	748.7 KB
ID:	2385934

    White scabious


    Rose campion
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Foxgloves- white. ( sown at the end of July) Ok, I suppose that one is cheating but they are for 2020...I'll be planting these ones in a couple of months They are in pots in the GH.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	D92927B5-16C1-4A7E-AA80-5B4F7946763F.jpeg
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Size:	163.2 KB
ID:	2385941
      Attached Files


      • #4
        I couldn't add any more pics to my first post -
        So here's my
        Click image for larger version

Name:	E2813642-38D9-4142-8727-116565167A6D.jpeg
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Size:	146.8 KB
ID:	2385942

        Click image for larger version

Name:	CD40139A-DC58-4087-8DF4-33B16E01853C.jpeg
Views:	1
Size:	181.1 KB
ID:	2385943

        Rose campion
        Click image for larger version

Name:	20D3125D-227E-4797-A19C-8EC3265BBEAD.jpeg
Views:	1
Size:	133.1 KB
ID:	2385944

        And it's so mild I may try a few more on the weekend.


        • #5
          I�ll be failing miserably. Not growing any flowers from seed this year.
          But I�ll still be collecting flower seeds for my new garden


          • #6
            I've failed I only sow 4 flowers the rest self seed or are perennial.

            Sun flowers
            Sweet peas
            Location....East Midlands.


            • #7
              I don't think I'll make 20...
              1 basket Lobelia Cambridge blue
              2 Rudbekia Cherry Brandy, sometimes it lives over winter in the greenhouse, but I always sow some more in case.
              3 Pink Clarkia
              4 Cleome mixed
              4 Californian poppy deep pink
              5 Cosmos Xanthos and rubinato
              6 Ammi visnaga
              7 Nicotiana alata grandiflora and a pink one (can't remember the name)
              8 Sweet peas various
              9 Tagetes naughty Marietta
              10 Calendula
              11 Red sunflowers
              12 Borage
              13 Morning glory heavenly blue
              14 Erigeron karvinskianus
              15 Gazania pink mix

              Lots more in the box, but these are the ones I'm planning for this year


              • #8
                2. Sweet pea
                3. cornflower
                4. poppy
                5. nigella
                6. lurkspur
                7. calendula
                8. statice
                9. helichrysum
                10. gomphena
                11. shoo fly plant thing whose name I can't remember (edit: nicandra)
                12. sunflower
                13. lupin (annual)
                14. rudbeckia
                15. cosmos
                16. nicotiana
                17. phlox
                18. snapdragons
                19. tithonia
                20. carnation

                easy - now give me a real challenge (apart from I actually have to sow and grow)
                Last edited by Norfolkgrey; 02-01-2020, 12:06 PM.


                • #9
                  NG, the real challenge is that we need proof - like photos of each flower, so you'd better get sowing.


                  • #10
                    Sown late last year and overwintering in the greenhouse:

                    Cornflower Black Ball
                    Foxglove Apricot
                    Creeping Thyme
                    Salvia nemorosa
                    Teucrium hircanicum
                    Rudbeckia fulgida
                    Musk Mallow
                    Alyssum saxatilis
                    Echium Blue Bedder
                    Aubrieta Royal Mixed
                    Sea Thrift
                    Macedonian Scabious
                    Goldenrod Goldkind
                    Echinops Ritro

                    Sowing this year:

                    California Poppies
                    Sweet Peas
                    Dahlia Bishop's Children + Mignon
                    Anise Hyssop
                    Cosmos Bright Lights + Sensation
                    Gem Marigolds
                    Morning Glory


                    • #11
                      I've got a list of well over 20 that I'd like to sow this year but I probably won't manage more than a few of them.

                      1. Verbena bonariensis
                      2. Nigella papillosa
                      3. Evening primrose white / pink
                      4. Cosmos
                      5. Red Orache (atriplex hortensis rubra)
                      6. Opium poppy (white and/or Lauren's Grape)
                      7. Shirley poppy (white / pink)
                      8. Aquilegia Nora Barlow / black barlow
                      9. White honesty - actually I sowed this in autumn but it's not planted out yet
                      10. Cleome spinosa
                      11. Malva (e.g. zebrina)
                      12. Pink nasturtium
                      13. Meconopsis (blue ones)
                      14. Salvia horminum (clary but not the true one)
                      15. Rudbeckia
                      16. Californian poppies
                      17. Calendula
                      18. Tagetes
                      19. Gaillardia
                      20. Mina lobata
                      21. Canary creeper (tropaeolum) or black eyed susan (thunbergia)
                      22. Nasturtium (orange)
                      23. Some kind of red poppy? Maybe perennial (oriental.)
                      24. Lobelia tupa or other tall red lobelia
                      25. Amaranthus
                      26. Meconopsis cambrica (welsh poppies)
                      27. Sunflowers
                      28. Anything from the seed swap which takes my fancy!

                      Edit: Just seen the bit about 20 poppies counting as one. So I guess my list is somewhat shorter then. It's only a hypothetical list anyway so it doesn't really matter.
                      Last edited by Mitzi; 02-01-2020, 01:36 PM.


                      • #12
                        Okay if I can include biennials (I will do pics later in the year)

                        1. Foxglove (silver fox, alba, apricot, pams choice and mixed)
                        2. Teasel
                        3. Honesty
                        4. Sweet William (auricula eyed)

                        rest will follow when sown


                        • #13
                          Checking my seed list I have 32 different types of flower seed so if I can find the space I may achieve 20 sown. Some hardy annuals/biennials were sown in the back end - off the top of my head, myosotis, calendula, foxglove, geranium, flax, nigella, so only 12 more to go
                          Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                          Endless wonder.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by mothhawk View Post
                            Checking my seed list I have 32 different types of flower seed so if I can find the space I may achieve 20 sown. Some hardy annuals/biennials were sown in the back end - off the top of my head, myosotis, calendula, foxglove, geranium, flax, nigella, so only 12 more to go
                            Erm, last time I checked, 6 + 12 <> 20


                            • #15
                              I�d love to try, shall think about a list. Everything suddenly got very busy after Christmas and gardening plans have taken a back seat for a week or two x
                              All at once I hear your voice
                              And time just slips away
                              Bonnie Raitt


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