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What's your top 5 cut flowers, from seed?


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  • What's your top 5 cut flowers, from seed?

    I'm planning on starting a cut flower patch at the plot, but it's hard to tell from the packs if something's good as a cut flower, or it has a teeny stem or loses all the petals overnight. Anyway, I'd like to try something new, as I'm starting again from scratch.

    I always used to grow:
    nigella ('cos it self seeded everywhere, not growing it was harder)
    sweet Williams (lovely, but I won't get flowers til next year)
    and clary sage (for a touch 'o clarse)

    Oh, and sweet peas.

    So, what does well for you?
    My spiffy new lottie blog

  • #2
    I haven't sown many flower seeds in my life, a bit of the if you can't eat it sort of attitude, though always had Roses, Sweet Peas were my only proper go last year, this year there will be more.


    • #3
      Ammi Majus, Italian white sunflowers, Rudbekia Cherry Brandy, Cosmos Purity (white) and double click mixed (white, pinks & reds)

      In the past I've grown lots of Dahlias from seed and kept the tubers for planting the next year. I'm very tempted by Sunny Reggae dahlias - but sitting on my hands atm because I've already bought lots of seeds this year


      • #4
        Hmm, I don't know if I could choose....

        Rudbeckia are my all time favourite - there's loads of varieties and they will flower in Autumn when other flowers are well past their best and they last forever in a vase.
        Sunflowers - they make everyone smile.
        Sweet peas cos they are never ending.
        Zinnias, fabulous in a hand tie.
        Echinacea - they don't seem to be long lived in my garden but I'm a sucker for a pink flower and the white one is fab too

        ^^^OMG! I forgot dahlias ....
        Last edited by Scarlet; 13-01-2018, 10:58 PM.


        • #5
          Ok I shall bore you and these are only from my opinion and experience. It might be worth just going through

          From my current memory I have 10 top flowers. (All from seed no probs)
          Larkspur - hardy annual. Can also be dried as well. Great for wildflower/ meadow look arrangements
          tithonia - plants are 1.5m tall and wide and will give and give over the season. Last well but cutting at the right point of 'ripeness' is not as easy as some flowers. tender annual
          dahlia - easy to pick up mixed seeds and they are just fantastic. Singles are great for wildlife but tend to have a shorter life span in the vase. So opt for decorative, pompon or cactus varieties. perennial
          Nicotiana - great filler, lasts well in vase. Annual
          Zinnia - fantastic focal flowers, gives and gives, lasts well in a vase. Deserves a couple of varieties being grown. Tender annual
          Cosmos - again fantastic, worth growing a couple of varieties. Annual
          Achillea - Great filler and adds a different element. lasts well in a vase. perennial
          Helenium Autumnale - Lollipop. Great for something different and to size up arrangements without making them bulky. perennial
          Persicaria - I used a weed last year but it gave a lovely droopy affect. Lasted well. Am growing the domesticated version this year. Persicaria orientalis.
          aster/ Michaelmas Daisy they do tend to come all at once towards the end of the year but I think they are worth it for that last hooray. Perennial

          Ones I am still hunting the right strain/variety
          Coneflower - Echinacea
          Anthirrinum/ snapdragon

          Others worth considering
          wallflowers and sweet williams for earlies. Sweet Williams are also good in the green as a filler. Bi-annual.
          Valerian. long season filler comes in white, pink and red. Lasts well in a vase Perennial, can become invasive.
          Alliums - welsh onions, chives etc are easy from seed add a different texture and usually don't smell after conditioning.
          Poppies - more for their seed heads as they add a different texture
          Bells of Ireland- can be difficult at germination stage but fantastic in a vase.

          Things that are on my banned list
          Cleome - they smell like something illegal and the thorns are not easy to deal with
          Ammi majus, ammi visnaga, carota daucus, cow parsley all part of the same family but they just shed pollen everywhere and it just bugs me
          Gypsophila - I like it but for the times I have grown it, it has been temperamental and often too delicate to do anything with.
          Last edited by Norfolkgrey; 14-01-2018, 08:48 AM.


          • #6
            My top five from seed...hmm...hard to choose....
            sweet pea, annual
            cosmos, annual
            delphinium, I like 'Magic Fountain', the "dwarf" ones best, the flower is almost as big but the stem's a lot shorter so seldom need staking
            lupin, short lived perennial
            Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
            Endless wonder.


            • #7
              WARNING: Flower Pawn

              Somehow, these just jumped into my basket

              I wanted some more High Scent SP seeds (grew it last year) and they just looked so lovely with the poppies in the pic................


              • #8
                I can't narrow it down to five...

                ox-eye daisy - this complements any other colour in the vase, but it's the longevity that I like most - it's always the last flower standing in the vase. Some of its relatives smell like cat pee when cut, but this one is neutral.

                sweet pea - still trying to identify the most scented, but I like matacuna

                escholzia or californian poppy - searing the stems in near-boiling water will double their vase life.

                verbena bonariensis - good vase life, the colour seems more luminous after they've been cut

                clary sage denim blue - just for the amazing colour

                cosmos - I prefer the pink varieties, they seem to last longer than white

                phacelia - grown as a green manure and doesn't have any scent, but the shape and colour of the flowers look interesting in a vase

                My final one is a bit of a cheat, as it's a perennial and not usually from seed, though I am going to try growing from seed this year - alstromeria. Grows all summer long, very long lasting in water.


                • #9
                  My top 5
                  Sweet pea - definitely my favourite, smell so lovely
                  Cosmos, sunflower, rudbeckia, dahlia - I grow all of these for cut flowers but I have trouble actually doings it because they look so lovely in the garden

                  Number 6 ( no one else has stopped at 5 ) sweet William I've grown this for the last two years. Never managed to pick any because something always eats it the winter before it's due to flower. I will have another go this year.


                  • #10
                    Sweet Pea

                    A quid from Wilko last year. Had grown nicotiana alata after reading Dirk Bogarde's descriptions of it in his book; but the sweet pea was defo far more intoxicating. Plus I didn't have to sit outside to enjoy it!

                    For pure colour, cornflowers. And in honour of the hero of my novel, sweet clary.
                    Last edited by Aunty Social; 31-01-2018, 11:02 AM.

                    From Planet of the Apes to Animal Farm: a record of our first year in a microscopic country village with more cows and stars than people -


                    • #11
                      I don't really 'do' flower seeds....

                      English marigold
                      Poached egg plant

                      All sown direct.
                      OH Grows a variety of sunflowers which always look wonderful.

                      That's only 4
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


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