Originally posted by veggiechicken
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We have enough problems at our allotment site with getting people to join together to buy manure - last time it happened it was a disaster with many not paying but helping themselves. This time 6 of us have agreed to purchase same and will ensure we are there to get the lot when it arrives

Because I am just starting, and wish to improve the soil asap, I am taking the opportunity to see what happens and I may buy some of VVG's rock dust as well so that I can make comparisons with each as opposed to just between Biochar and compost and mulches.
Had my plot been a few years down the road like my garden where my soil is in good condition I doubt if I would have bothered. However, I may add some to some of my summer bedding plants in the garden just to see if any difference results.
If there is truly a long term value from the 'Green' point of view in using Biochar, perhaps the Government should be looking to encourage farmers, allotment holders and gardeners to use these products by subsidising them.
