I've just spent the morning trimming branches off the trees that grow at side of our lane. They are mostly elder and grow really quickly. None of the branches were very big so we decided to put them through the wood chipper and use them as a weed suppressant covering on the flower beds. However, because of all the leaves the resultant chips look more like compost. Now I am undecided, do I use it as groundcover, or compost it for next spring? I would prefer to use it as compost as it would, no doubt, help break down the heavy clay soil that we are blessed with. So, a quick couple of questions for all you compost gurus out there, Is it worth composting, and, if so, what's the best way to go about it?
I've added a pic of the chipped material, as you can see it contains a lot of green leaves.
I've added a pic of the chipped material, as you can see it contains a lot of green leaves.