If I may be so bold......
The Vine is SO useful as a record of the what's and the where's (not to mention that you grapes comments and input are SO helpful for a wine making newbie) I thought I might open a thread to mark the start of my Celery Wine.
Shirlthegirl most generously sent me some celery seed last year (seed like flipping dust - one sneeze and I'd have had it!) and I sowed it in a pot in April, then planted it out in July, and up it all came (all 1lb of string of it!) last week.
Excellent for wine making, tho'! Hurrah! Good old CJJ has a celery wine recipe listed, so here we go...
The Vine is SO useful as a record of the what's and the where's (not to mention that you grapes comments and input are SO helpful for a wine making newbie) I thought I might open a thread to mark the start of my Celery Wine.
Shirlthegirl most generously sent me some celery seed last year (seed like flipping dust - one sneeze and I'd have had it!) and I sowed it in a pot in April, then planted it out in July, and up it all came (all 1lb of string of it!) last week.
Excellent for wine making, tho'! Hurrah! Good old CJJ has a celery wine recipe listed, so here we go...