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real dandilion & burdock pop recipe?


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  • real dandilion & burdock pop recipe?

    does anyone know how to make the real deal dandilion and burdock pop using natural ingredients? last year i wanted to make some but couldnt find the recipe... i sourced all the burdock and dandilions too!.i would appreciate any help... i did make very nice lemon barley with fresh lemons and barley

  • #2
    Don't know wayne but I once made dandelion coffee with the roots!

    What part of each plant do you use for the D&B drink?
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • #3
      Can't give exact measures but this is my recipe.
      Approx.2 pts.dandelion flowers,
      One or two(depending on size burdock plants,well washed.
      1 gallon water.
      1 bag sugar.
      2 or 3 lemons.

      Trim stalks from dandelions(leave green sepals on for bitterness.)
      Wash all well and chop burdock root,put into a fermenting bucket with a well fitting lid.
      Pour boiling water over and leave for 24 hours.
      Strain liquid through muslin into a clean bucket,take a quantity of the liquid and boil in a large pan,add sugar and stir 'til dissolved.
      Return to bucket(should be blood-heat) and allow to cool.
      Pour into strong,screw-topped bottles e.g. sterilised cider bottles and leave for 3-4 weeks.
      Very mildly alcoholic and a refreshing summer drink.Not so alcoholic that children(especially boisterous ones!!) can't drink it.


      • #4
        How do you identify burdock? Is it what's known as dock leaves, that can be used to eleviate nettle stings?


        • #5
          I'm just digging dandilions out of my lawn today and wondered what can I use them for. How do I make dandilion coffee? Is there anything else I can do with them?


          • #6
            Dandelion coffee - Found this on a survival site, it relates to surviving out in the field, I guess it would be much easier to make at home.

            Dry it out, in the sun or by the fire, they have to be brittle and snap easily. Then roast them over the fire until they are dark inside. Then finally grind them up between stones. It’s a time consuming method and though its fun to make it seems a lot of effort for something that takes about thirty seconds to drink. On the other hand most of the teas that you can make are quicker and also probably nicer.

            Another question, how is it served, do you use milk and suger as you would with real coffee?


            • #7
              Dandelion coffee tastes like sh!t. Don't waste your time
              BTW: Dandelion = Dent de Lion = French for lion's teeth (the shape of the leaves)
              Last edited by Two_Sheds; 09-05-2008, 08:46 PM.
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • #8
                Originally posted by AndrewD View Post
                How do you identify burdock? Is it what's known as dock leaves, that can be used to eleviate nettle stings?
                No it's a completely different thing, think it's thistle family. Like you I thought docks were the stuff you use 'til an old hand showed me a burdock, Burdock is rarer. They have narrower leaves, thicker texture & more a lovat green.


                • #9
                  burdock - Google Image Search

                  try this
                  Yo an' Bob
                  Walk lightly on the earth
                  take only what you need
                  give all you can
                  and your produce will be bountifull


                  • #10
                    dandelion coffee

                    one thing that was ommitted earlier was that you use the root for coffee.

                    "The roots can be dried and roasted to make dandelion coffee. Unlike normal coffee it makes a drink that is naturally caffeine-free but it does have the bitter flavour that stimulates the liver, bile flow and digestion. A great substitute for normal coffee."

                    The use of milk and sugar is optional as it is with coffee!!!


                    • #11
                      Hugh Fearlessly-Eatsitall made D & B this week on the telly. Can you 'play it again' perhaps?
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                        Hugh Fearlessly-Eatsitall made D & B this week on the telly. Can you 'play it again' perhaps?
                        it should be on "4on demand" if you have virgin media or they one or the other
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                        • #13
                          Try this:

                          The Wild Drink Blog - Blog Archive � Homemade Dandelion and Burdock Recipe

                          There are loads of tasty-looking things on there. Yummy!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                            Dandelion coffee tastes like sh!t. Don't waste your time
                            BTW: Dandelion = Dent de Lion = French for lion's teeth (the shape of the leaves)
                            Pamela Michael reccomends roasting twice,once in the cut up root stage and again when ground.
                            Not being a coffee drinker I've not tried this,
                            She also gives a recipe for "cleavers" (goose-grass) seed coffee if anyone would like it.


                            • #15
                              How to spot Burdock

                              Originally posted by AndrewD View Post
                              How do you identify burdock? Is it what's known as dock leaves, that can be used to eleviate nettle stings?
                              Burdock is the plant from which sticky buds come from. They have purplish thistle like flowers and huge (dinner tray sized sometimes) cauliflower like leaves. There are plenty of good pictures available.


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