Have been looking for a recipe for ages and wanted to know if anyone had a dandilion and burdock recipe, my nan used to make it for us as kids but she never wrote to recipe down, so please viners help me.
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Dandilion and burdock
My mother used to make nettle pop when i was a kid powerfull stuff not dandelion & Burdock but they are in the recipe so if you use it and leave the Nettles &Yarrow out you should make some thing drinkable .
Right the recipe a couple of hanfulls of Dandelions and a couple handfulls of Burdock and if you leave out the Nettles and Yarrow .
put the lot in a jampot type saucepan and fill up with water bring to boil and let it simmer for about 30 minutes then strain of when cool into a big mixing bowl with 1 pound of sugar and stir in .
When the temp is luke warm put a round of toast with 1/2 ounce of bakers yeast spread on it and cover with a tea towel and leave for 10 or 12 days .
After that strain of into bottles and leave for 2 weeks before drinking .
I made some Nettle pop this way 2 years ago and it was just as i remembered it i gave the old type way of doing it because when i was a kid we did not have Demijons and special yeast or fancy fermenting buckets .
the Yeast you can buy from the in store bakerey in big supermarkets Tescos do not charge but some may good luckjacob
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Originally posted by jacob marley View PostWhat i forgot was the round of toast floats on top of the liquidjacob
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