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nettle wine


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  • nettle wine

    We have loads of nettles in the chicken run that OH is about to strim as the chickens don't like them and their run is getting smaller and smaller as the nettles get bigger and bigger...

    I have a recipe for nettle wine from a library book but it needs tannin. I can't get this in my small town. Does it have to have the tannin, is there anything else I can substitute? Or do I need a new recipe?

    Thanks if anyone knows!


    recipe is: 3 1/2pnts nettle tops (any tips on picking them?)
    2lemons, ginger,water,sugar,yeast and yeast nutrient (didn't know there was a difference!), tannin and campden tablets.

    Other question - is it actually a nice wine? Don't really want to wait a year for something foul..... lol

  • #2
    C J J Berry's recipe for nettle wine suggests that it should be made in May, I guess this is when the nettle tops are really fresh. Not sure I would use any that were not a really bright young green (if you know what I mean). It apparently makes a sweet wine. Tannin isn't included in the ingredients for the recipe in his book - so your recipe would make a less sweet wine. You can use a few oak leaves, some pear peelings or a tablespoonful of strong tea as substitutes for 5ml of grape tannin.

    As for picking the nettles, get your work gloves on and the tops should break off easily - do this before your OH gets the strimmer to them.
    Happy Gardening,


    • #3
      Thanks, I think the nettles are getting higher and stronger everyday - still got loads of young shoots coming which I think you are meant to use. I have since found a recipe that sounds much less complicated than the book I have! I will give it a go - will not have lost much!

      Thanks janeyo


      • #4
        You can use strong cold tea(without milk) in place of tannin. I use two teabags to a mug of water.


        • #5
          Thanks P F, we onyl have decaf tea in our house or redbush - would this work? If not I can always nick some normal teabags off my mum



          • #6
            I don't believe the tannin is required. Ask at a wine kit store. I asked about tannin once while at my local wine kit store (where you buy supplies to make your own wine) and they told me that tannin is what gives most people mygrains who drink red wine (because of the tannin in it.) This isn't much help, but perhaps if the clerk at the wine kit store is knowledgable and friendly, she could give more certain advise.


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