I read a thread / post about gassy wine and how to de-gas it easily, but I can't seem to find it using search. so does anyone know how to do it??
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de-gassing wine
I think <<THIS>> is what you are looking for. About the 5th post.
Shirlthegirl is our winemaking expert but I think you just need to "swirl" it around a bit - notice the technical terminology- like I know what I'm talking about
What sort are you making? We have enough Bl@@dy dandelions to supply the EU wine mountain hereA garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)
If there are a lot of lees in the bottom of the demi-john, siphon the wine into a clean dj first so it will fall clear more quickly after the degassing. I have a long-handled spoon which I use for all my brewing (it reaches the bottom of the 5 gallon bucket) and I use the handle of that for stirring the dj when I don't feel up to shaking the whole shebang!
If the wine is already clear, bottle it up but don't quite fill the bottles - put your thumb over the top and shake well, remove thumb and allow the gasses out. Repeat till the fizzing has died down. Top up from another degassed bottle.Happy Gardening,
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