rosehip syrup wine
Hi, This recipe is with thanks to B. Turner.
12oz syrup, 1/2 pint white grape juice concentrate ( or 1lb chopped raisins) 2 1/4 lb sugar, 1/2 teaspoon tannin ( or half a cup of strong tea) Wine Yeast. Citric acid (or a small squeeze of orange or lemon juice ) I nutient tablet ( most wine yeast comes with nutrients, so may not be required) Make up to one gallon with cold water. Add yeast when all at room temperature. Leave to ferment, rack every three months. Bottle and drink!!
The above is a 70's recipe with my comments in brackets. The grape juice or raisins are to add body but there are other ways such as mixing the finished wine with apple, pear, pea pod or other subtle tasting wines. You could also double the syrup and make a nice rose.
Hi, This recipe is with thanks to B. Turner.

The above is a 70's recipe with my comments in brackets. The grape juice or raisins are to add body but there are other ways such as mixing the finished wine with apple, pear, pea pod or other subtle tasting wines. You could also double the syrup and make a nice rose.
