Speed of wine
I was given a modern wine kit for my b'day and put it on around Sept. The wine was about 12-13% in three weeks and was drinkable one week later. Hate to say it but it was really nice. This only happens because of the nutrient and enzime balance, constant temperature in the brew coupled with finnings to clear it. Mind you it did cost about �6 for 6 bottles.
My Grape and pear wine is in demijohns and they are all fermenting at a different rate. When I rack them I may put them all into a larger container first before putting it back under air lock for some more 'plopping'.
I was given a modern wine kit for my b'day and put it on around Sept. The wine was about 12-13% in three weeks and was drinkable one week later. Hate to say it but it was really nice. This only happens because of the nutrient and enzime balance, constant temperature in the brew coupled with finnings to clear it. Mind you it did cost about �6 for 6 bottles.
