my oh bought a juicer at the good food show what iwant to know is can i make like a scrumpy cider from the apples that have been juiced if so what do i have to do all help gratefully recieved
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scrumpy from a juicer
My OH and I made some scrumpy last year but we didn't use a juicer. I suppose the principle is the same.
We pulped and pressed the apples (OctoberNovember) then put them into a clean fermentation barrel and left it in the garage for months. When it clears, you could carefully siphon it off into another barrel, because the slightest knock will shake up all the sediment which is really fine and takes ages to settle. We left ours for about a year.
I recently found a couple of bottles I had forgotten about in the garage, so I poured it through a filter (those paper things for coffee percolators) into a clean bottle and popped a dab of honey in there to sweeten it up a bit.
Came out ok. Didn't really answer your question though did it.
We only used our apples for cider, we didn't juice them and them try to make cider from the pulp - is this what you are thinking of doing? You could probably soak the pulp in some water to extract any juice that may be left and then press that.
You could do a search for the Scrumpy User Guide - Making Your Own At Home. This is the website we got our instructions from.
KirstyKirsty b xx
is it the kind of juicer that will juice anything?
if it is just juice your apples and use it in the same way as pressed juice.
should work a treat.Yo an' Bob
Walk lightly on the earth
take only what you need
give all you can
and your produce will be bountifull
I have a juicer and I just use the juice and throw the pulp on the garden.I would suggest adding a camden tablet to the juice then after 24hrs, a wine yeast, as apples can have many types of wild yeast on them.
Could be worth tasting, or testing with a hydrometer, to see how strong a cider it would make. Enjoy
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