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demijohn question


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  • demijohn question

    apologise if the answer is already out there but.... I have been inspired by your recipes and thought i would have a go. I have brought myself a cherry wine kit but it says to use a demijohn. I don't have one but i do have a pressure barrel and a fermenting bucket thing. Can i use one of this and if it gs the bucket do i just rest the lid on top? Thanks in advance

  • #2
    Hi Jemma, for the main fermentation (or for a kit) the important thing is to keep the air out so resting the lid on the bucket wouldn't be such a good idea (I don't know about pressure barrels). What you want is something that holds just the amount of wine you're making and that can take an airlock so that your wine keeps the flavours it's meant to. A demi-john is best but there are plastic (PET) equivalents available and I have a feeling it's possible to use the very large mineral water containers (4 litres ish), probably because they also take an airlock. If you're using a bucket for the main fermentation then it needs to be full almost to the top, very well sealed and have an airlock in the lid (this method would normally be used when making several gallons at a time). There's lots on the internet, an example below. Good luck!

    Fermentation Equipment : Art of Brewing Fermentation Equipment UK


    • #3
      Thank you for the link. the kit i've brought is for 5 litres. I have tons of plastic bottles do you think i could evenly split the mixture across 2 bigish bottles? Thanks again
      Last edited by jemma_charlie; 06-05-2010, 07:02 AM.


      • #4
        The trouble with splitting the kit into various bottles is that you might not get even fermentation. Have you tried your local freecycle for a demijohn? They are usually readily available there or if not, Wilkinsons sell them for not very much. How big is your fermenting bucket? If it is one gallon (approx 5 litres) then you will be okay to do the kit in that with the lid pressed on securely. I make 5 gallon kits this way. I suspect you have a 5 gallon bucket since you have a pressure barrel - if so, that won't work for the wine.
        Happy Gardening,


        • #5
          i've been trying to get one of freecycle since the summer. They don't seem to come up here. We don't have a wilkinsons and it is 5 gallon. I'll go and see what i can find in the charity shops in a bit or see if i can get a big water bottle. Thanks again


          • #6
            I have read of people using a 5 litre water container - not sure how much they cost to buy but if you tip the water out they are sterile (you could use some of the water to make the wine). Stuff the neck with cotton wool to stop beasties getting in. Good luck
            Happy Gardening,


            • #7
              Local home brew shop, jumble sales, car boot sales are all places to look for demi johns. Be warned the last one is very dangerous I went to one to get some printer cartridges came out with a ton of other stuff as well.

              EDIT: Almost forgot the sales pages of your local paper may list some too.
              Last edited by Guttata; 06-05-2010, 11:19 AM.


              • #8
                You can get 5 litre plastic bottles of water for around �1 (sometimes buy one, get one free). Just tip the water away (or drink it) and drill a hole through the stopper to take an airlock.


                • #9
                  Went to the tip and for a change they actually had some! Apparently they had only just been dropped off there, so 12 glass ones for �4 as i drove home though 3 of them smashed, I was driving really carefully. Oh well, Still a bargain.

                  Have tea wine, fruit tea wine and cider currently brewing, need more sugar for the cherry wine.

                  Thanks for your help xx


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