This is my first year picking elderflowers for brewing
All the recipes for anything elderflower related say to add a flowerhead but no stem - so where does the head finish and the stem begin?
I only ask because some of the flowerhead contains what I would call stem so I played it safe and pulled off the flowers but I'm sure I'm just making extra work for myself.
Can anyone photoshop a picture to show all us newbies which bit we're meant to be using please
This is my first year picking elderflowers for brewing
All the recipes for anything elderflower related say to add a flowerhead but no stem - so where does the head finish and the stem begin?
I only ask because some of the flowerhead contains what I would call stem so I played it safe and pulled off the flowers but I'm sure I'm just making extra work for myself.
Can anyone photoshop a picture to show all us newbies which bit we're meant to be using please
