I've adapted a recipe from this book, as I didn't have quite enough boreds.
3.5 lb of older broad beans
1 kg sugar, dissolved in tea (I used 6 bags of Earl Grey)
200g raisins, chopped
2 tsp citric acid
yeast & nutrient (1 tsp each)
Boil beans slowly for an hour, taking care not to split the skins. Strain into a fermenting bucket and add dissolved sugar, tea, raisins & acid.
When cool, add yeast & nutrient.
Ferment & rack as usual.
3.5 lb of older broad beans
1 kg sugar, dissolved in tea (I used 6 bags of Earl Grey)
200g raisins, chopped
2 tsp citric acid
yeast & nutrient (1 tsp each)
Boil beans slowly for an hour, taking care not to split the skins. Strain into a fermenting bucket and add dissolved sugar, tea, raisins & acid.
When cool, add yeast & nutrient.
Ferment & rack as usual.